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Star Wars Prequels

What Happens When 'The Mandalorian' and 'Bobba Fett' Characters Come to Disneyland? ( 94

Disneyland's Galaxy's Edge, aka "Star Wars Land," lets its visitors "immersively" experience the planet Batuu during the period between Star Wars: Episode VIII — The Last Jedi and Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker. But there's some big changes coming, reports Disney recently announced — at the "From a Galaxy Far, Far Away to Disney Park Near You" panel at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2022 event — that main characters from the immensely popular Disney Plus series "The Book of Boba Fett" and "The Mandalorian" would begin appearing at Disneyland.

Yes, including the universally adored, merchandise and meme-dominating Grogu, aka "Baby Yoda."

However, there is one sarlacc-sized snag: Those stories are set about five years after Return of the Jedi, and about 25 years before The Force Awakens, which raises a galaxy of questions about how this will impact Galaxy's Edge. The introduction of new characters into the attraction will either break the timeline of Star Wars land or, perhaps, unburden it from self-imposed shackles.
This could be a good thing, the article suggests, since "Currently there is frankly not a lot of character interaction on Batuu." Kylo Ren pops in on occasion to interrogate guests, and some stormtroopers march around. Rey and Chewie pose for pics, R2-D2 wheels around, and Vi randomly shows up. But that's about it. There is no BB-8 or C-3PO, no Poe or Finn walking around, no Captain Phasma (who died in "The Last Jedi"). The cast members do their part to speak the local lingo of "bright suns" and "till the spire," but Black Spire Outpost feels somewhat unpopulated. It looks and feels like a Star Wars town, but lacks true full immersion. Oga's Cantina does feel lived in, and always crowded, but the closest immersive experience is Savi's Workshop, where building a lightsaber is a damn near religious experience, complete with the Force ghost voice of Yoda.

So how would new characters impact this? If Mando appears at Galaxy's Edge, are guests to assume he (and Grogu) are still bouncing about by the time of the sequel series...? The town of Black Spire Outpost might come to resemble Fantasyland, for instance, where multiple characters occupy their own zones and don't intersect...

Regardless, this change further populates Galaxy's Edge, which is good for the guest who wants to take a lot of character photos. It also allows Disney to roll out their most popular modern characters, and potentially open the door for them to showcase original trilogy and prequel trilogy characters (which are having a moment right now).

But it does create major story hiccups.

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What Happens When 'The Mandalorian' and 'Bobba Fett' Characters Come to Disneyland?

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  • Get A Life (Score:5, Funny)

    by divide overflow ( 599608 ) on Sunday June 12, 2022 @04:37PM (#62613802)
    Disneyland is for children.
    • Re:Get A Life (Score:5, Informative)

      by NateFromMich ( 6359610 ) on Sunday June 12, 2022 @05:30PM (#62613930)

      Disneyland is for children.

      So is Star Wars.

      • How about both are for whoever enjoys them?

        Of course some would have to get off their high horses to admit as such.

        • by GoTeam ( 5042081 )

          How about both are for whoever enjoys them?

          Of course some would have to get off their high horses to admit as such.

          If you've ever been on a high horse, I doubt you'd descend to the level of commoners. Now out of my way, lest ye be trampled!

    • 18? Is that when all the fun left your body and you became an old arse grouch? Not sure about you, but when I turned 18 I got to vote, joint he military and drink booze, no where did it say there was a requirement to stop enjoying certain things.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      I don’t think I’d feel too safe about bringing my children there now. I don’t want Woke Mickey grabbing their asses.

    • Not really (Score:4, Interesting)

      by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Sunday June 12, 2022 @05:59PM (#62614014)

      Disneyland is for children.

      Part of Disneyland were indeed designed for children.

      But even at the start they knew parents were visiting, and they designed some things for parents also.

      Frankly I've been with children, and without children - going without children is a lot more fun.

      Disney World is a place even ore adult oriented, even though some things are for kids.... but they have a lot more alcoholic options for example.

    • Don't worry, boomer, we'll stay off your lawn. Go yell at a cloud or something.
      • He's most likely Gen X, like myself. Boomers are actually pretty damn old at this point.
        • Lol me too; I actually just got back from a trip to WDW for my parents' 50th anniversary. "Boomer" just sounds funny, that's all.
        • At this point, boomer is a state of mind. I'm only in my mid-thirties, but whenever I see kids riding their damn skateboards on the sidewalk, I become a boomer as well.
          • by GoTeam ( 5042081 )
            I think previous generations just said "ok grandpa" instead of boomer. I always prefer to insult people with more proper terms.
    • Adulthood is highly overrated.

      • by GoTeam ( 5042081 )
        Adulthood is being decommissioned. We rely on the government to be the adults now. We can now stay in perpetual adolescence. It's working perfectly!
    • Not according to Walt.

  • I don't know how they've scripted this, but perhaps from the point of views of these characters, they are visiting the planet Baatu in a time period that's six years after Return of the Jedi. So if you try to talk to them about characters and events set in the sequel era, they act like they don't know what you're talking about or ignore it? So you the park visitor are essentially like a time traveler between these two eras of Star Wars canon.

    • You act as if anyone who is responsible for that gives half a fuck about continuity or logic. Just look at the pretty pictures and don't think!

    • They'll discuss how continuity problems don't interfere with content owners making money.

    • perhaps from the point of views of these characters, they are visiting the planet Baatu in a time period that's six years after Return of the Jedi. So if you try to talk to them about characters and events set in the sequel era, they act like they don't know what you're talking about or ignore it?

      I don't even know what you're talking about, so there is a good chance that whoever is wearing the costume for the kids, also will not.

  • by Chess_the_cat ( 653159 ) on Sunday June 12, 2022 @04:46PM (#62613830) Homepage
    Only the most reprehensible fanboy would be considering continuity when seeing costumed characters parading around an amusement park for children.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    No one cares about those movies.

  • by xevioso ( 598654 ) on Sunday June 12, 2022 @04:48PM (#62613840)

    I have not heard of this Star Wars character. Is he related to Jubba the Hatt?

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Sunday June 12, 2022 @04:55PM (#62613852)

    And nobody cared anymore.

  • by Misagon ( 1135 ) on Sunday June 12, 2022 @04:57PM (#62613858)

    I think it would be a good idea for Disneyland to change the era that the "Galaxy's Edge" attraction is set in, to the Original Trilogy-era. You could easily argue that it should have been that way from the start.

    Many casual visitors know only the original movies, and not even many die-hard Star Wars fans really prefer the sequels or the prequels over the original movies.
    However, set just a little bit after the end of Return of the Jedi, in The Mandalorian's time you could get the best combination of elements, IMHO: both Stormtroopers (under some Imperial Moff or general who does not want to let go) and Jedi (Luke Skywalker's disciples).

    • Not gonna happen. It's pretty obvious that the goal is to bury the originals and erase the memories.

      • Well, it's hard to sell the shit-sandwich level movies and shows they're making so long as people have memories of the originals. In another ten years or so, Star Wars will become the universal call-sign for a billion dollar property laid low by a billion dollar company.

        • It may even become a catch phrase, much like "jumping the shark". To "starwars" something could be the phrase for buying an IP and sinking it by being tone deaf to the main asset you buy with a franchise: The customer base.

    • It's hard to find people who really like the sequels.

      • I liked 1-3. Enough to watch them numerous times. I was like 12 though, so I had the time. The originals were better in every way except "ooo shiny* aspect, which is what made 1-3 fun. They were visually pretty awesome and it was telling a story we wanted to hear, even though it was told poorly it was still an enjoyable experience.

        Maybe if I was 12 again, I may even like 7-9. I hated 7 that it killed anything star wars for me.

        Ironically I did not like Star Trekk when it was on television. To boring for me a

        • Yeap. I can find plenty of people who liked the prequels. Hard to find people who liked the sequels.

          • by skam240 ( 789197 )

            Yeap. I can find plenty of people who liked the prequels.

            Really? Those shit-heaps? I'm no fan of the sequels either but the acting alone is a reason to prefer them over the prequels and that's just scratching the surface on what's wrong with 1-3.

            I dislike the prequels enough to where I'm kind of bummed that Disney brought back Hayden Christensen for the Obi-Wan show because it means they plan to keep it canon for the foreseeable future.

            • because it means they plan to keep it canon

              This doesn't matter at all.

              • by skam240 ( 789197 )

                It matters if you think those movies are utter shit and would like to see an actually enjoyable intro to your favorite childhood trilogy.

                • Any hope of that was gone when they were bought by Disney.

                  • by skam240 ( 789197 )

                    Eh, I really enjoyed Rogue One and The Mandalorian. Modern Disney is a pretty shit producer of cinema in general though to support your point.

                    • Yeah I just feel like they don't have any respect for cannon whatsoever. Though on that point, maybe you'll get to see some of the other prequels come up. Give it 20 years for a reboot like Star Trek.

            • 1 was an overly long commercial for the podracer computer game.
              2 was something for people who think C-SPAN is too exciting.
              3 was ... ok, I guess.

              If anything, they give everyone a pretty good idea why Lucas began with Chapter IV when shooting movies. Their redeeming feature, though, is that they give you an idea why Darth Vader is Darth Vader.

              The sequel trilogy has no reason to even exist.

        • I liked 1-6 and Rogue One. Wanted to like 7 but can't, and despise 8,9 (pretty sure the plot was lifted from the SWTOR game), and Solo.

          Give Strange New Worlds a shot, I think you'll like it. It's definitely trying for TOS-style episodes.

          • 7 was an OK setup movie. Not great, not even too good, with enough character flaws that I have to thank JJ for giving it to me so I can teach new tabletop RPG players how NOT to write background stories, but an ok premise.

            8 was a disaster. And 9 was not a movie, that was damage control.

    • in The Mandalorian's time

      This is probably the plan if the resort continues to lose money. The whole thing seems predicated to operate at the price they have it so they would probably rather try to reformulate to something they can charge the rate for than lower the price to try and keep it full.

      From what I have seen the whole thing looks a bit too "clean" to me. Trying to provide a "real experience" but wrapped in the facade of a "premium resort". People can't get too dirty, or not have premium food for the money. You're suppo

      • Just turn off all the AC during their visit to Florida. There's your outpost experience. Some may die of heat stroke but that's all part of the fun.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      After ROTJ was kind of a boring era. No big bads, only the remnants of the Empire and the new Republic. Lots of wild-west frontier stuff I guess, but Luke was in the head-up-arse phase, Leia was busy being a politician and Han was probably just bored.

      Sod continuity, they should just do whatever provides entertainment.

      • I think the general idea of the sequel trilogy could have worked if they explained how something like the New Order (or whatever that wannabe empire was called) could come into existence. It's almost like we're missing at least one movie in between the original trilogy and the sequel. It could have been about how the rebuilding Republic was weighed down by corruption, seeded by Snoke (or whatever wannabe Palpy we have) who keeps dividing them and tries to drive a wedge in between the newly formed Republic b

      • The old expanded universe had some excellent post-ROTJ stories that would have made fantastic movies. Hell, even though Lucasfilm discarded most of the old EU and declared it non-canon; some of it is so good and enduringly popular that they keep trying to figure a way to shoehorn it (the Thrawn Trilogy) into the continuity somehow; even though the canon now precludes and contradicts the plot, the actors are all WAY too old for stories that take place 5 years after ROTJ, and some of the necessary actors are

  • by jacks smirking reven ( 909048 ) on Sunday June 12, 2022 @05:04PM (#62613876)

    If they think some nerd fans visiting Disney are going to be up in arms about the icongruence of timelines why get rid of the Extended Universe in the first place if not for having to abide by decades of nerdism history. Call it the park exists in a timeline multiverse and then wipe your ass with the piles of money born of baby Yoda merchandise and photo ops you are going to sell.

  • People (kids especially) will see their beloved characters and be happy about it. I don't think anybody is going to be whining about continuity at a theme park. And if they do, there's always the Please Please Pleese Get a Life Foundation. []

    • Oh, I was expecting this one: []

    • The second season was crap though.
    • Yes, their beloved amoral bounty hunter now sanitised to within an inch of his life. Now living as a crime lord who doesn't do any crimes, occasionally flying around in a ship that's definitely not called Slave I any more. No sir. Wholesome family fun all around.
      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        The main problem with the show is that it's just so boring. Boba Fett's backstory is lame. Everyone wanted to know how he got out of the Sarlac put, turns out he just climbed out by himself. Then some pointless Dances-With-Wolves crap with an equally boring tribe on a desert planet famous for everyone being desperate to get away from.

        The only good episodes were the ones that weren't about Boba Fett.

    • Yeah, it does matter. Ponder this for a moment: Star Wars was a money printing machine. First and foremost because you had millions of people who'd drop serious dollars for trinkets. Put out a new action figure, name it "limited edition" (because there is only a million of them and you'll NEVER inject-mold more, promised) and sell it with a 10,000% markup and these fanboys will rip it out of your hands before they're cold from the mold.

      And every one of them will buy 2, so he can play with one while the othe

  • Well I suppose it couldn't hurt to add their ONLY popular modern characters, based on toy sales. It's an unpopular attraction, so will adding some popular characters fix it? Who knows.

  • by kmoser ( 1469707 ) on Sunday June 12, 2022 @05:37PM (#62613946)
    If you're looking for continuity and logic, the first question you should be asking yourself is why Star Wars characters would be on Earth in 2022, which is neither a long time ago nor a galaxy far, far away.
    • Oh c'mon, be realistic. Of course it's just an actor that shows us what the real character is like, the real one is in a galaxy far, far away. And the real Santa is on the North Pole.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Even the movies barely make any sense in parts. What exactly was Luke's plan to rescue everyone form Jabba? I defy anyone to explain the logic behind that.

      • by skam240 ( 789197 )

        What exactly was Luke's plan to rescue everyone form Jabba? I defy anyone to explain the logic behind that.

        Walk in and be a bad-ass?

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Walk in and be a bad-ass?

          Let's recap.

          Luke gave R2D2 his lightsabre. He could clearly have just carried it in with him because he bypassed the guards with a Jedi mind trick, but for some reason he gave it to R2.

          Luke sends in R2D2 and C3PO and offers them as a gift to Jabba. What was the plan at this point? Get captured, wait until the moment of maximum danger by the Sarlac pit, and hope Leia can escape by herself?

          Luke goes to the palace himself, forces entry and then presents himself to Jabba. Apparently the plan was to use a Jedi m

          • by skam240 ( 789197 )

            ...and George Lucas was looking for a way to get Carrie Fisher into a bikini.

            So it was all for a good cause at least!

            One of my favorite points to pick on for Star Wars is actually one of my favorite parts, AT-ATs. "Let's take our near invincible tanks and put them on stilts". The Hoth planet battle is still one of my favorite scenes though :) .

          • Well, it's likely they didn't just load him onto that execution barge without searching him again, this time likely with guards that are under the supervision of people who know what a Force mindtrick is, so that isn't ENTIRELY pointless. Luke would have had to assume that at some point he would otherwise lose his saber.

            The plan with the droids was probably to have a foot in the door, so to speak. R2 could have been sent to sabotage computer terminals, I guess we'll never know what the great plan with the d

  • No-one really care about theme park land continuity that much. And a span of 25 years, for those characters it's not that out of line to see them anyway.

    Also a small correction - Phasma does appear, but she appears over in a different areas of the park called Tomorrowland (in California) for all of the people that say they don't like the new movies there sure are a ton of people that line up to watch her March out with stormtroopers, and take photos... she may have been a wasted character in the movies b

  • It is common knowledge that the boundaries of Disneyland mark the event horizon boundary of a Chrono-Synclastic Infundibulum wherein all timelines and worldlines converge in Minkowski space and allow all entities from all realities to commingle.

  • Ron Desantis signs a law to call Star Wars gay.
  • The same thing that always happens. People on /. will bitch and complain while we go and have a good time with our kids.
  • These events ALL happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

    Even the nearest galaxies are tens of thousands of light years away. Although we only started receiving these Historical Documents in the 1970s, all of the beings in them are long dead. All of the aliens in the movies (like Han Solo) are played by human actors in theme parks here on Earth. Have your kids not figured it out? They know it's not the real Darth Vader but an enthusiastic and talented cosplayer. That's OK!

    I suspect the Historical

  • Editor, please edit (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Rumagent ( 86695 )
    "News for nerds, stuff that matters" How does this mountain of fecal matter resembling an article meet those two criteria? For f*ck sake...
  • Don't let it decide how your kids experience beautiful folklore like Star Wars.
  • by MitchDev ( 2526834 ) on Monday June 13, 2022 @09:07AM (#62615150)

    Still not gonna pay their insane prices to wait in lines all day and overpriced hotels and food.

  • Boba Fett is dead, killed in the Sarlac, where he's got about 995 of his 1000 years of being digested to go.

    Him escaping is the drooling gooberation of poverty-stricken EU writers retconning things endlessly to give slobbering fanboys a chance to go ooh again and again as stories are un-finalized so the characters can be reused.

  • Regardless if continuity, I think it would be cool to see more characters at Galaxy's Edge. Fans, young and old, would enjoy that. It would be kind a like what they do with Avenger's Campus with different Avengers or other Marvel characters walking around interacting with guests.

    IMO, Galaxy's Edge needs more attractions. It would be cool if they could move Star Tours to Galaxy's Edge that way they can re-do Tomorrowland, again. If only they could bring back the People Mover.

  • I just can't imagine the type of personality disorder that exists in the people who care about such stupid shit.
  • I was surprised on reading it to learn that Disney apparently even worries about continuity between Disney princesses. So....yeah? All I know is my kid is going to see this Star Wars thing in two weeks and will be disappointed to discover it doesn't have Mandalorian in attendance yet.

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