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Civil Rights Groups Are Calling On Amazon To Cancel 'Ring Nation' Reality Show ( 138

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: On Tuesday, 40 civil rights groups published an open letter calling on MGM Television executives to cancel the studio's upcoming reality show Ring Nation, which will feature former NSA employee and comedian Wanda Sykes presenting humorous surveillance footage captured from Ring doorbell cameras. The groups say the studio is "normalizing and promoting Amazon Ring's dangerous network of surveillance cameras," which, along with the Neighbors app, "violate basic privacy rights, fuel surveillance-based policing that disproportionately targets people of color and threatens abortion seekers, and enables vigilantes to surveil their neighbors and racially profile bystanders."

There's just one potential problem with the well-intentioned campaign: Amazon owns Ring, producer Big Fish Entertainment, and distributor MGM, and it also owns the Prime Video streaming service should it need somewhere to air it. It also has specific partnerships with thousands of police departments around the country should they happen to prove useful. This tower of vertical integration means that Ring Nation is a show designed from the ground up to leverage Amazon's vast monopoly to push its own product on Americans, and it also means that it will probably (but not definitely) be impossible to kill. There's very little chance that MGM executives will push back on the project when it's probably exactly the type of thing Amazon imagined being able to do when it spent $8.5 billion on a merger with MGM this year.
"Ring Nation is not a comedy but rather a propaganda strategy to normalize and further digitize racial profiling in our communities. Truthfully the cognitive dissonance about the dangers of these tools is a real concern. It's striking to see a host who has been such a vocal supporter of racial justice protesters defend the very tech that was used to surveil activists during the uprisings in 2020," said Myaisha Hayes, campaign strategy director at Cancel Ring Nation co-organizer Media Justice, in a statement.

"The Ring Nation reality-TV series is anything but funny. It weaponizes the joy of our daily lives in an attempt to manufacture a PR miracle for scandal-ridden Amazon," Evan Greer, director of co-organizer Fight for the Future, said in a statement. "By normalizing surveillance, it will teach our children to relinquish their privacy in exchange for a quick laugh. In the coming weeks, Fight for the Future, Media Justice, and our org partners will be mobilizing our supporters and forming a loud and fearless coalition of civil rights groups to cancel Ring Nation," Greer said.

The show is set to launch on Sept. 26, though it hasn't been announced which networks will carry it.
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Civil Rights Groups Are Calling On Amazon To Cancel 'Ring Nation' Reality Show

Comments Filter:
  • They own everything!!!
    I am SOOOO helpless!!!!!
    My hair is on fire!!!!!

    Yes, Ring Nation is a terrible idea.
    So is ALL reality TV
    Dog The Bounty Hunter
    Americas Most Wanted
    and just for some non-reality types:

    I live in Oakland.
    Today 9/20/22
    2 shot outside city hall 1 dead.
    ALL cops are bad?
    And I am NOT a cop fan!

    • I prefer poetry that rhymes.

      Also fewer exclamation marks.

    • Re:OMG Amazon!!!!!!! (Score:4, Interesting)

      by HiThere ( 15173 ) <charleshixsn @ e a r t h l i> on Wednesday September 21, 2022 @11:48AM (#62901595)

      The problem is that police are needed in a society as large as ours with easy transportation.
      OTOH, the current police have too many perverse incentives, and virtually no restraints. Limited immunity is an idea that does have justifications, but the implementation was so bad that it should be removed entirely. Then a much more limited form could be created.

      Unfortunately, no complex idea can survive being converted into sound bytes, so you can't get a social movement going that will aim to fix the existing problems. But if the folks who CAN fix the problem WON'T fix it, the discontent and lack of trust will continue to grow. Some people seem to want this.

  • In the light (Score:4, Insightful)

    by markdavis ( 642305 ) on Tuesday September 20, 2022 @07:14PM (#62899761)

    >"The groups say the studio is "normalizing and promoting Amazon Ring's dangerous network of surveillance cameras,"

    Or it is bringing to light how much of this data is being shared so the public will know? Supposedly the people who have these yucky devices are informed and consent to this sharing.

    No way will I ever install some surveillance device that some outside entity has access to on my house.

    • Re:In the light (Score:5, Interesting)

      by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Tuesday September 20, 2022 @07:18PM (#62899769)

      Or it is bringing to light how much of this data is being shared so the public will know? Supposedly the people who have these yucky devices are informed and consent to this sharing.

      Based on past observations of my fellow American Idiots, I expect if this show is a success a non-trivial number of people will rush to install Ring Doorbells in odd (and privacy-invading) places, hoping their footage will be unique and/or embarrassing enough to be featured on the show.

      • by shanen ( 462549 )

        Mod parent "such a deep insight" that it should be buried in a deeeep hole. The whole thing is just a marketing ploy.

        However the primary abuse that is paying for the scam is hidden in the rankings of the product search results on Amazon. The truth that would reveal the scam? The profit margin for Amazon linked to each product in the list of results.

    • Yeah, I used to think people were ignorant about these things in the true sense of the word, but now I've realized the vast majority are totally capable of understanding and they just don't care. Today's society is absolutely hallmarked by the willingness to trade a pound of self-reliance for an ounce of convenience. For some reason we have become obsessed with the idea of putting out the least amount of effort as possible in life as though. The last door to door home automation salesman that came by my hou
      • by HiThere ( 15173 )

        There *is* justification for surveillance cameras on your door that cover your porch. Perhaps also your yard. Beyond

        I don't have home automation either, and don't want it. But there have been times when, if a really limited surveillance camera was available, I'd have installed it in an instant. But I sure wouldn't have wanted the data to be transmitted over the internet, much less be published publicly. Not without my editorial approval of each frame. And I wouldn't have wanted it to includ

  • by BoB235423424 ( 6928344 ) on Tuesday September 20, 2022 @07:47PM (#62899827)

    Seriously, why is it every time some activist group wants to cancel something they always bring up racism? How exactly is having a video doorbell promoting racial profiling or other racism? Last I knew, there's not an option to only record black people doing stupid things. The entire stigma of 'racism' has been lost due to the very broad overuse of claims.

    This really seems like little more than a show similar to America's Funniest Home Videos. It's tie-in to Ring is little more than promotional. The substance is the same. I'd expect to see things like delivery people dancing, animals doing stupid things and staged stunts. If a porch thief is running off with a 60" tv and trying to stuff it in a small car, regardless of what color they are, they deserve to be laughed at.

    • by quenda ( 644621 ) on Tuesday September 20, 2022 @08:55PM (#62899971)

      Seriously, why is it every time some activist group wants to cancel something they always bring up racism?

      They don't exactly say racist but "disproportionately targets people of color".
      But so what? Penalties for homicide "disproportionately targets people of color". Do they want murder decriminalised?

      I guess it is about control of information.
      I think they honestly believe that high crime rates among some black people are solely the result of past slavery and ongoing racism. That if you pretend it is not there, and break the cycle, it will go away. At the same time, they fear *other* people seeing the data will conclude that blacks are inherently violent and dishonest.
      But if you bother to look beyond the US (which isn't really so special) at the facts around the world, you'll clearly see by simple counter-examples that neither of these extremes are true. Other countries without a history comparable to the US have comparable problems, and some do not.

      If you look at sub-Saharan Africa itself, until recently most people lived in small communities, with extended families, and low crime rates. Much of rural Africa remains very safe today. But the new big cities are a very different matter! Does this all sound familiar? We have seen the same patterns, albeit weaker, in white America, and indeed all over the world. The traditional social structures that held crime in check, family and local community, have been diminished, and we vary in how successfully we have replaced them.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Karens worry about black people existing in their neighbourhood, buy surveillance equipment and submit clips to this show, Facebook etc. The result is that black people are disproportionately represented, creating a feedback loop that creates more Karens and more camera footage.

        Yes, black people do crimes sometimes. Maybe even more crimes, if you look at the stats, but that is begging the question. You assume the stats are fair and unbiased, which they are not. It's up to cops where the resources go, who th

        • Wow, so, you're using racial and sexual bigotry to attack women you prejudge to be racist? Awesome, you're doing a great job of hating strangers.
          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            When they do parodies of racists saying "actually calling someone racist is racist", what goes through your mind?

    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Tuesday September 20, 2022 @09:10PM (#62900011)
      The Electronic Frontier Foundation explained it []

      Amazon and other companies offer a high-speed digital mechanism by which people can make snap judgements about who does, and who does not, belong in their neighborhood, and summon police to confront them

      Think of it like a digital Karen. You see a black guy walking in your neighborhood minding his own business. You call the cops. Cops come, escalate the situation and he gets shot.

      Meanwhile Amazon is actively encouraging you to be in a constant state of fear because you'll accept 24/7 surveillance by them if you are.

      • by shanen ( 462549 ) on Tuesday September 20, 2022 @09:50PM (#62900071) Homepage Journal

        Mod parent up, but sad. (However what I most wish the EFF and ACLU would work on would be ways for me to vote against the bastards who used the computers to gerrymander my vote into oblivion.)

        • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Tuesday September 20, 2022 @10:59PM (#62900191)
          Looks like we both got modded down. Hardly a surprise. There's a whole bunch of elements on this forum who really don't like American racism being pointed out to them. And for some reason they always seem to have mod points.
          • There's a whole bunch of elements on this forum who really don't like American racism being pointed out to them. And for some reason they always seem to have mod points.

            I don't think they always have mod points... I just think when they get them, they go looking for ways to apply them in support of a specific political agenda.

            It's the sort of thing that the meta-moderation system is supposed to address - but while reminders to meta-moderate used to appear frequently, I haven't seen a single one in many years.

            • by shanen ( 462549 )

              I still see the meta-moderation requests sometimes, but I just ignore them. I did try to do some meta-moderation from time to time, but it seemed too pointless and I stopped bothering. Never figured out what it was supposed to accomplish or how it was supposed to work.

              However I think there must be some kind of "escalation" notification system for abusive moderation. Seems like the negative mods have usually been cancelled even before I look at the comments (as linked in the notifications of mods received).


          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Wednesday September 21, 2022 @03:36AM (#62900535) Homepage Journal

            Sock puppet accounts created to farm mod points.

            In Germany they teach kids about their past, including Nazism and the holocaust. They take them on tours of the concentration camps and gas chambers. No shying away from it. Every country should be like that, confront its past head on, no glossing over it.

            Meanwhile in Texas the textbooks say that actually slaves were treated quite well and pretty content until the northern states radicalized them to think freedom was in the best interests. And look at them now, poverty stricken criminals...

        • by HiThere ( 15173 )

          I don't think that they are allowed to do that kind of thing. Non-profit organizations a severely limited in what kinds of political speech they can use. There have been techniques developed to demonstrate that unfair gerrymandering has happened, and which can draw ungerrymanded voting maps that can be mathematically proven to be ungerrymanded. But the folks who draw up the maps don't want to use them, and no legal case has yet forced them to do so.

          The two groups that can work on the case you propose are

          • by shanen ( 462549 )

            I think there should be some political exposure at some level. As it stands now, they are engaging in political shenanigans with absolutely NO accountability to the voters.

            However, I still favor more extreme solutions to gerrymandering. My original solution approach was guest voting, but I've become much more radical since then...

      • by King_TJ ( 85913 )

        You know though? It's supposed to be a *doorbell* camera, not a generic camera to monitor the entire area in front of your property.

        I have one of the video doorbells from a competitor, Eufy. Love it because it doesn't need some paid cloud subscription to work. Saves footage locally onto SD card storage and allows other local storage options too, with ability to send push notifications to my phone when it detects motion or the bell is rung. The thing is though? It doesn't do anything if someone walks down t

    • by ToasterMonkey ( 467067 ) on Tuesday September 20, 2022 @11:47PM (#62900257) Homepage

      surveillance-based policing that disproportionately targets people of color

      You're referring to this part of the summary in your weird little anti-anti-racist screed that isn't fooling anyone?

      They mean the kind where Karen watches the street all day and stirs up the neighbors on nextdoor when someone "suspicious" walks/jogs/drives by. Don't be a fucking dumbass.

      • by HiThere ( 15173 )

        You can't really tell just want they mean, you have to figure out. And when you try to figure it out, the answer you get will depend on your relevant prior beliefs.

        Your interpretation is a perfectly reasonable interpretation, but it's not the only reasonable interpretation.

  • Of course a show celebrating pervasive surveillance and normalising that in culture is distasteful... But why would you want to equate your own activists with rioters? Why would you be afraid to show what your activists were doing? I don't buy the dog-whistle theory especially when a lot of the 2020 uprising (riots) were crowds of white activists.
    • I'm still trying to figure out why it is a bad thing to surveil an uprising. Or why one class of video recorder that can only be responsible for a fraction of the videos of said uprising is worse than say, cellphone cameras. But then these are idiots and they are making an idiotic argument, so maybe it isn't worth spending too much time working out all the ways in which their idiocy is demonstrated.
      • I'm not necessarily against civil disobedience or an uprising per-se - it's more that they're afraid that if people (as opposed to the authorities) saw what they got up to they would lose support. In fact, that's what did happen with BLM when you look at the polling over time and more recent media narrative about re-funding the police.
  • I miss the simpler times when people had to go up against lions, and fight each other to the death in the arena. No cameras, no technology.

  • "This tower of vertical integration means that Ring Nation is a show designed from the ground up to leverage Amazon's vast monopoly to push its own product on Americans, and it also means that it will probably (but not definitely) be impossible to kill."

    Well, you can not watch it. That's usually a surefire way to kill a TV show.

  • AFNCSV (Score:4, Insightful)

    by NFN_NLN ( 633283 ) on Tuesday September 20, 2022 @09:58PM (#62900097)

    I guess "Ring Nation" rolls off the tongue better than "America's Funniest Non-Consensual Surveillance Videos"

  • I just need to figure out which wifi camera can be properly secured and does not include any phone-home capability. Then I can stream the camera to my own server where it will be untouched by snooping corporations.

  • It's racist because it records thieves, and thieves are minorities?

  • > will feature former NSA employee and comedian Wanda Sykes

    Wait, what?

    • From [] :

      "When you're in the Maryland-D.C. area, you end up working for the government,â she says. Her father was an Army colonel who worked at the Pentagon, and her mother was a banker. So, after college (Sykes studied marketing at Hampton University, a historically black college in Virginia), she did just that: She spent five years as a contracting specialist for the National Security Agency, an intelligence branch of the Defense Department. The young woman with the big

  • Amazon ultimately owns the data and derived information from that data. If you don't like it, there are alternatives.

  • I see a settlement emerging: Amazon will have to hire some Asians to commit crimes in view of Ring cameras, so that any cultural imbalance in rates of crime shall be evened out.

  • All those pictures go to China and police can collect them without warrant. Ring belongs in the trash big of deep state surveillance tools.

Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (4) How many times do we have to tell you, "No prior art!"
