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Amazon Releases Fallout TV Series Trailer ( 52

Samuel Axon reports via Ars Technica: The trailer for Amazon's Fallout TV series dropped this weekend, and it's either craven fan service or wonderfully authentic, depending on your point of view. The trailer depicts a lead character leaving a vault after an apparent catastrophe, discovering the broken world outside, and encountering ridiculous monsters as well as factions like the Brotherhood of Steel. It also features some extreme gore, which you'd expect from Fallout.

We've written a few times about the slowly unfolding saga of this show, which has Westworld's Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan as producers. To be clear, though, they won't actually be the showrunners; that honor goes to Geneva Robertson-Dworet (Captain Marvel, Tomb Raider) and Graham Wagner (Portlandia, The Office, Silicon Valley). The two showrunners each cover one-half of what Fallout has traditionally been: Robertson-Dworet brings the sci-fi action credentials, and Wagner brings the satirical comedy.
As announced in October, the show will premiere on April 12th, 2024, exclusively via Prime Video.
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Amazon Releases Fallout TV Series Trailer

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  • They can make a show jump the shark before the first episode airs.

  • Looks purty enough (Score:4, Interesting)

    by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <> on Tuesday December 05, 2023 @10:16PM (#64058811) Homepage Journal

    A lot of people seem to take Fallout pretty seriously, it's just a series of games. Most of which I've played, and I pretty much always have FO4 installed. And I have 1 and 2 installed but can't seem to bring myself to invest enough time in them to beat them again.

    Anyhoo if people don't get too pissy about canon* and just enjoy the setting it'll probably be enjoyable. I'll go ahead and get prime for this.

    * The show is allegedly canon, so there are extra opportunities for butt-hurt if people want to take them

    • From what I've seen I'm getting the whybe's (is that what the kids these days call it - the whybe's) of a show which confuses elements of gameplay mechanic with story and plot.
      Slap that on top of a linear medium like a TV show - and we've already seen that. []

      I swear I haven't read this [] before writing the lines above.

      The Vault Boy imagery, which originated in the video games, will have an origin story.

      Ah yes... my deepest desire. Origin story of a user interface mascot. How I've longed for that. I guess it IS true what they say.
      Sit by the river long enough, you will see a turd float by. Again.

  • WoT on Amazon is so far from the events in the books it's barely recognizable. They use the same names and some of the same concepts but the story is hella different (and suffers in the video series for it). I hope they use a different production crew and actors etc.. Also, please show the Brotherhood of Steel as they are in the series!
    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      And Rings of Power. Wait, does Amazon even have a good scifi series? Expanse doesn't count since Syfy started it.

      • As far as I can recall outside of The Expanse Amazon has not had a high profile scifi series, unless one would count "The Boys".

        I think a key difference here versus RoP and WoT is the fact that Nolan and Joy are at least experienced showrunners with history in cinema already as well who are also hands on with writing. Now whether ones opinion of those things are good is certainly up for debate but they are experienced nonetheless.

        RoP especially I had concerns with when seeing the show runners were relative

        • by dunkelfalke ( 91624 ) on Wednesday December 06, 2023 @09:25AM (#64059849)

          High profile and good are not the same thing. Upload, for example, is scifi and pretty enjoyable, but definitely not high profile. Electric dreams is classic scifi, the kind I have grown up with, and mostly quite good. Not high profile. The Man in the High Castle on the other hand was so-so, but high profile.

          • True but I never really conflated them. Upload kinda makes my point though since it's EP'd by Greg Daniels who has decades of successful TV projects, all the way back to The Simpsons. Electric Dreams was an anthology so it has some prestige TV pros like Alan Taylor and Ronald D Moore behind it.

            By high profile I mean big budget and when budgets are big the people writing checks tend to want to get more involved. It takes experience and to be honest some Hollywood clout to be able to push back against tha

  • Whenever I see the word "fan" used, I substitute the word "customer"

    So in this case it would be "either craven customer service or wonderfully authentic" .

    Calling people "fans" breaks the tie to the money you hope to earn from them by serving them a product they like.

    Calling them "fans" stinks of entitlement to their time and money.

    • by Entrope ( 68843 ) on Wednesday December 06, 2023 @01:52AM (#64059061) Homepage

      Fan service [] is an idiom with a meaning that is very different from customer service []. Swapping the two phrases totally changes the meaning of the sentence you took issue with.

      • Thank you for completely missing my point.

        Yes... we all know fan service is often about bewbs.

        Toxic fans = Toxic customers.
        Entitled fans = Entitled customers.

        Creators these days seem to think think "fans" are *required* to consume the creator's content.

        Customers are *not* required to spend their time or money on *products* .

    • I'm in a big Fallout group on Faceboot.

      Let me be the one to explain to you that "fan" is short for "fanatic" and there are literally people so obsessed with Fallout that they fill whole rooms with fallout memorabilia like bobbleheads, nuka cola bottles with various colors of liquid in them, and pip boys. People have heated arguments over lore. There is a new post about which faction is the best or worst every week with hundreds of replies.

      I don't see it as being any more senseless than memorizing e.g. baseb

      • I'm in no fan club of any kind and have never been.. but I find this fascinating. I started on Fallout 1... and I remember in 3? (I think) there was a woman collecting nuka cola in her shack somewhere on the map, but now you're telling me people like this exist for real!? That's really hilarious and I respect it. And for those people, I truly hope the show stays true to its game universe.
      • Yes, fan is from fanatic but creators over the last 4-5 years have started to use it for *any* customer. And it's misleading.

        And even a fanatic *is a customer*.

        As a *customer* , I'm under no obligation to
        1) spend time on your content.
        2) spend money on your content.
        3) recommend your content to others.
        4) buy merch from your content for friends and family.

        If you want my time and money- you better make a product that I'm interested in.
        And selling vegan chicken fingers in place of a burger, refusing to order se

  • Unlike other adapted novels, Fallout didn't have a single main story or definite cast of characters that Amazon can make a mess with.

    Since every Fallout game had its own protagonist and story, it would be much easier to write a new story than try to adapt any existing ones, seeing Vault 33 suggested they are doing exactly that.

    • by Phaid ( 938 )

      Unlike other adapted novels, Fallout didn't have a single main story or definite cast of characters that Amazon can make a mess with.

      That's true, but the Fallout stories are set in a world with a wealth of [] established history, lore, organizations, biological systems, etc. The fact that they are setting this in a new area with a new Vault means they probably aren't going to mess with individual established characters, there is plenty of other stuff for them to mess up. For instance, what's with the cyclops overseer shown in the trailer? Maybe it's an interesting spin on Vault-Tec's use of the Vaults to conduct horribly unethical experi

      • In a world full of mutations, suddenly one mutation is too far? Vault dwellers aren't immune to radiation, there are leaks, the doors got opened early, etc. Also confused because multiple people said this was an overseer but how does one know? They don't have special badges or uniforms.

  • The visuals look terrific. The music suggests they get the atmosphere. However, we didn't get to see anything like a coherent bit of plot nor enough lines from the actors to judge performance.

    Could go either way, but I will watch when it is available to me and give it a chance.

    • Really? I thought the CGI Brotherhood of Steel looked terrible.

      • Really? I saw some point this out, but I could not see anything that was bad. Maybe I'm just a philistine with an HDMI TV and don't have 8K yet to examine the flaws. But this is a TELEVISION show, not a movie. Is CGI that vital to get pixel perfect? It looks far better than any past scifi show I have ever seen on TV; though I haven't seen much recent TV.

        Overall, I was impressed. Most adaptations of video games were weird, completely different from the games they're based on. But this seemed relatively

The major difference between bonds and bond traders is that the bonds will eventually mature.
