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AI Movies Television

Prime Video Will Let You Summon AI To Recap What You're Watching 23

Amazon's Prime Video has introduced "X-Ray Recaps," a generative AI feature that will recap what you're watching. The new tool can create text summaries of "full seasons of TV shows, single episodes, and even pieces of episodes," the company says in a blog post. The Verge reports: X-Ray Recaps will be accessible from the detail page of a show or in X-Ray while you're watching something. The tool "analyzes various video segments, combined with subtitles or dialogue, to generate detailed descriptions of key events, places, times, and conversations," Amazon says. Amazon has also applied "guardrails" to help the feature avoid sharing spoilers and to keep summaries concise.

X-Ray Recaps, which is are beta, are coming to Fire TV devices starting today, with support for "additional devices" available by the end of this year, Amazon says. The feature, at launch, will work with all Amazon MGM Studios Original series.
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Prime Video Will Let You Summon AI To Recap What You're Watching

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  • by newcastlejon ( 1483695 ) on Monday November 04, 2024 @07:44PM (#64919869)
    Can AI make it so only the things I can actually watch using my subscription appear in search results?
    • Can the AI just summarise all the stuff on Prime so I don't have to watch the ads? Sort of like "high density viewing", but without the need for the expensive video production.

      Wait... I think I just invented the (bad) book. Maybe they could make a film out my awesome new book?

  • by Slashythenkilly ( 7027842 ) on Monday November 04, 2024 @07:50PM (#64919885)
    we are truly lost. Cant remember shat you just watched and if googling is too hard?
    • Nope. These idiots are drunk on convenience, and addicted to instant gratification. Many were taught that they didn't need to remember anything because their smart phone would do that for them. Many were trained to reject anything that required effort to achieve and blindly accept what ever "just worked" regardless of negative consequences. Hell, many were told that the fine print didn't matter because no-one read it anyway and that it was "unenforceable."

      Oh, I lost them 4 sentences ago. Oh well.... "Ale
    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      we are truly lost. Cant remember shat you just watched and if googling is too hard?

      Unfortunate typo... but does describe most of what's on TV.

      I'll often come back to things after weeks or even months, so having Amazon Prime remember where I was up to is a handy feature. I've still got the 2nd half of S4 of The Boys to watch. X-Ray hints are good too as not all of us have Rainman-esque memories (after 40+ years of exposure my steel trap has rusted) so having a thing that says "we last saw Joe in Season 2 Ep3 making a sandwich" is also quite helpful.

      Sometimes I need to be in the right

  • Something to do with eye of a newt and goat entrails?

  • I'm trying to comment but already forgot what the article was about.

  • by iAmWaySmarterThanYou ( 10095012 ) on Monday November 04, 2024 @09:17PM (#64920055)

    I don't need AI to tell me what I'm watching.

    I need the commercials to go away from a service I'm already paying for through Prime so I can watch my shows uninterrupted.

    The money saved on killing this useless AI non-feature would cover the cover of lost ad revenue.

    • You're missing the point.

      The reason you need an AI to summarize the show is because all of the AD breaks have a longer runtime than the show itself. I.e. When you ask AI to summerize the show, you're really asking "AI, give me a summary of all of the ADs I just watched."
    • by Calydor ( 739835 )

      The AI is there so they can make the ad breaks even longer because you can just ask the AI what the fuck you were watching before the break.

    • This AI transcription has been brought to you by "Brawndo: It's got what plants crave!"
  • The only one I want recapping anything for me is Luis played by Michael Peña.
  • Amazing ! Just what the couch potato that's too frigging lazy to even watch the video needs. An AI to tell him ( or her ) that the video is just some piece of woke ( or other ) crap that isn't worth watching for five minutes to find that out for themselves.
  • by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Tuesday November 05, 2024 @01:42AM (#64920393)

    I'm really getting tired about all these stories about Al can do this and Al can do that. Seriously, I can do all these things myself but I don't announce it to the world. I'm glad Al wants to be helpful but seriously, I think this mister Allen fellow needs to get a life and let people do stuff for themselves. ;)

    • AI is a solution looking for a problem
      • AI is a solution looking for a problem

        To us. To employers and the oligarchs, it is *THE* solution to *THE* problem. Problem? They need employees and consumers, lessers, peons, and those bastards tend to be pretty whiny about stuff like food, shelter, clothing, basic healthcare, and all that nonsense that lessers shouldn't desire. Solution: AI is already profitable by crapflooding web spaces and saturating click-through rates on advertising. It will be even more profitable when it can replace all other human functionality. Now, they haven't thou

  • Maybe the AI would have been able to tell me why I should care about any of these people?

    (Nice visuals and all-around nice show from technical perspective, but even in the season finale I couldn't really see why I should bother to care, especially since we already know that all the principals are going to survive until LotR era).

  • ....I will leave TV control to AI, who will for sure enjoy watching that crap, while I will be doing something more interesting in another room.
  • Can you train it on British English? I mean it's entertaining how many ways you can mis-transcribe "bone idle", say, but still ...
  • I wonder if it works any better than their voice remotes? Wife says stuff into her remote all the time, and it goes off and finds something completely unrelated the vast majority of the time. I don't know why she bothers. I gave up on watching when they put ads back in.
  • It might be helpful for shows where it's a long time between seasons. I would want to be able to ask it questions like, "what the fuck is the guy with the beard's problem again?"

  • Modern computing is all about ADHD, anyone that still has an attention span of longer than a few minutes should be considered extremely lucky.

    It's just ridiculous ho.. oh look another cat vid[connection terminated]
  • they can't get the subtitles to match what is being said (English to English)... the confidence level of them able to get AI to recap a show correctly is below zero.

Ever notice that even the busiest people are never too busy to tell you just how busy they are?
