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James Bond Battles a New Foe: Amazon ( 82

An anonymous reader writes: James Bond has dodged more than 4,000 bullets. He has jumped from an airplane, skied off a cliff and escaped castration by laser beam.

Now, 007 is in a new kind of peril. Nearly three years after Amazon acquired the right to release Bond movies through its $6.5 billion purchase of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio, the relationship between the family that oversees the franchise and the ecommerce giant has all but collapsed, WSJ reports.

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James Bond Battles a New Foe: Amazon

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  • by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 ) on Thursday December 26, 2024 @09:39AM (#65040283)

    James Bond needs to drive an amazon delivery van in an movie.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      And fight villainous porch pirates. whilst blocking bloody ads.

      Box office hit guaranteed.

    • by dwywit ( 1109409 )

      Q: "And this, Bond, is your pee bottle"

      Bond: "My what?"

      Q: "You can't stop and relieve yourself at any time during this mission, Bond, you MUST pee in the bottle!"

      Bond: "Does it do anything else"

      Q: "Yes, there's a laser in the cap, be careful - if you pee on the cap, you'll short-circuit the laser's battery and blow yourself up."

    • Speaking of Amazon, TFA mentions that the Bond franchise is running out of villains. Isn't Bond vs Amazon the perfect hero vs. villain story? Just take TFA, add a few car chases and explosions, and you've got the next Bond film.
  • DEI (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Fly Swatter ( 30498 ) on Thursday December 26, 2024 @09:40AM (#65040285) Homepage
    James Bond is better off staying dead in today's world. A great character that has no place in today's marketing and cancel culture of hate.

    Bond is iconic, modernizing him would destroy his image and the character.
    • Re:DEI (Score:5, Insightful)

      by cuda13579 ( 1060440 ) on Thursday December 26, 2024 @09:45AM (#65040291)

      Barbara Brocolli agrees, is standing her ground...and is contractually allowed to do so.

    • Imagine the scene. The terrorist calls The Justice Council to deliver his ultimate ultimatum.

      "The attacks will end when I am greenlit to proceed with my James Bond reboot."

      "That cannot be allowed," said the Chief Justice of Justice, "for the reasons Fly Swatter listed."

      "Very well," the terrorist growled malevolently, "then you leave me no choice but to reboot Bat man again!"

  • by schwit1 ( 797399 ) on Thursday December 26, 2024 @10:06AM (#65040327) []
    Amazon Owns James Bond. Unfortunately It Hates Men

    Amazon Studios is in a tight race with Disney to consolidate as many intellectual properties as possible and give them feminist makeovers. These days it’s as easy to find IP based shows with male protagonists on Amazon’s pet attempt to be Netflix as products that aren’t Chinese knockoffs on its shopping site.

    Leading the charge is Jennifer Salke, Amazon’s version of Kathleen Kennedy whose just as anti-straight, white, male as Kennedy.

    • []
      Amazon Owns James Bond. Unfortunately It Hates Men

      Amazon Studios is in a tight race with Disney to consolidate as many intellectual properties as possible and give them feminist makeovers. These days it’s as easy to find IP based shows with male protagonists on Amazon’s pet attempt to be Netflix as products that aren’t Chinese knockoffs on its shopping site.

      Leading the charge is Jennifer Salke, Amazon’s version of Kathleen Kennedy whose just as anti-straight, white, male as Kennedy.

      They can make bond a mixed race bisexual brithis XY born men, and everybody would be happy. TFA says: Miss broccoli is open to a gay bond, but the character has to be played by a british man (notice she did not say white).

      Then, when the time comes to re-cast again, by the time miss broccoli retires, bond can be a mixed race bisexual XX born reasigned male... The younger Mr wilson seems to be more open to that sort of idea.

      • by dddux ( 3656447 )

        I don't give a toss about what unwatchable films they make, finding enough fun on streaming sites, however I am on a watchout for good, watchable films when they eventually come around. 1 in 100? Fine with me. Funny thing is these companies have already lost tons of money on unwatchable films that I expect watchable ones come in droves pretty soon and all DEI weirdos laid off. Good.

      • Miss Broccoli says that because to say otherwise is to draw the kind of malice she doesn't want to waste the time to try and answer. She isn't going to let Bond become gay. She's being agreeable but she's not stupid.

    • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

      by mr.dreadful ( 758768 )
      There's no agenda against straight white men. The agenda is called "capitalism" and the idea is to appeal to as many pocketbooks as possible and there are a LOT of pocketbooks that don't belong to straight white men. If you're sad because that audience segment is no longer being catered to exclusively I got bad news for you, its not going to go back. Reflect on why that bothers you, and who is telling you that it should bother you. I bet they have their hand in your pocket.
      • by dinfinity ( 2300094 ) on Thursday December 26, 2024 @04:52PM (#65041353)

        This is a dumb and flawed argument. Certain things are simply much more interesting to a male audience than to a female audience (like scifi and superhero stuff).

        The reverse of your argument would be if things like Sex and the City suddenly had (mostly) male main characters and then claiming that there are a lot of male pocketbooks that can be targeted with such a show. It doesn't work that way. Most men and most women will not like a show like that and it will fail.

        The only reason some of these things sometimes kinda work is because of the fame of the predecessors. The original audience will watch the first few bad iterations and then become sad and lose interest in the IP completely. Just look what happened in the gaming industry this year: a bunch of stuff came out that targeted the "modern audience" and it turned out that that audience just doesn't exist. All the people that were called 'incel', 'misogynist', etc. (surprisingly!) also did not buy those games.

        It's entertainment, not some manifesto.

        • "It's entertainment, not some manifesto." it can be both, when done properly, with a soft intelligent touch. The problem is that netflix/amazon and also Hollywood nowadays are not about soft intelligent touch, but hammer-in-the-face at best, cold analytics at worst. And it irks people. We are all mostly adults, and in many film/games nowadays I feel like somebody is speaking to me like a fucking 5 year old.
          • "It's entertainment, not some manifesto." it can be both, when done properly, with a soft intelligent touch.

            I get what you're saying and agree to an extent, but having the explicit purpose of a manifesto conflicts with entertainment, imho.

            I see the whole 'activism in popular media' as very similar to Michael Bay movies. For me, the story and writing is paramount; everything else is window dressing. As soon as a director starts focusing on special effects, that is a direct opportunity cost that takes away from the focus on the story. Similarly, if a director starts focusing on whether the main character is some 'u

      • Of course it will go back. When enough films have been made and enough money has been lost it will go back. Nobody cares about a gay James Bond for instance. You're going to put off an enormous portion of the audience doing that. Heterosexual men want to be James Bond. Heterosexual women want to be with James Bond. The replacement audience in this fantasy is a sliver of what could be made by simply sticking with a recognizable version of the character. By all means though go lose a couple hundred million of

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by thegarbz ( 1787294 )

      Yeah Amazon hates men. That's why most of the Amazon MGM Studios movies in 2024 have male protagonists. It's why out of the 8 upcoming releases, 5 of them have male protagonists, including 3 macho men action flicks. Sooo much hate. Sooo woke.

      (Yes I'm mocking you).

      • See see, that's 3/8 of men they hate! Unless an the films star men it's sexism!

        Also if any of those 5 films are bad, they are just bad films. If any of the other 3 are bad it's a damning indictment of wokeness and otherwise not being a bigoted jackass.

  • by jenningsthecat ( 1525947 ) on Thursday December 26, 2024 @10:36AM (#65040395)

    FTA: "(Broccoli's stepbrother) Wilson has complained to friends that he couldn’t land a meeting with anyone at Amazon above an “L6,” the internal designation for a senior role that is nonetheless six rungs below Chief Executive Andy Jassy, an L12. A person close to the company said Wilson has met with several senior leaders."

    Something with as much pop-culture cachet as Bond demands the attention of someone higher than "L6", but that probably won't happen at 'Zon. Mixing old-school movie-industry hegemony with new-school corporate hegemony is like mixing oil and water - you get a blend which by nature "wants" to separate.

    Amazon is all about quantity, commodities, and blowing stuff out the door, while the Bond franchise is about mystique and careful management. And even if that mystique is all bullshit, at least it's more palatable and intriguing than the steady diet of crassness, lies, manipulation, and rapacity which Amazon serves up.

    • Another way to view this is that Bond movies are running out of steam. For all you know, this might actually be the appropriate level for a declining franchise. I have kids in their 20's and 30's who love adventure/spy movies and are indifferent to Bond at best. Amazon certainly has access to data showing who's watching what and Bond has been playing non-stop on Amazon all Christmas. If there was money to be made, I'm sure they'd do it.
      • Good points - thanks. I had a blind spot around the difference between my own history with Bond films, and the experience of people forty years younger. I'm guessing that the Broccoli clan has a similar blind spot.

    • ... he couldn’t land a meeting with anyone at Amazon above an “L6,” the internal designation for a senior role that is nonetheless six rungs below Chief Executive Andy Jassy, an L12.

      Not to nit-pick Amazon's org chart tiers, but one would think the numbers would go down the higher you go, like kernel rings, with Bezos being, say, L1 or L0, as one can more easily add levels lower than higher. Just sayin' ...

      • Other way around. The lowest tier never changes, but as that base widens, eventually a new level appears at the top of the pyramid.

        And it's easier to change a designation at the top, as you're talking about fewer people.

    • An L6 is probably the highest level that would still have a role in the day-to-day work. Higher levels are really more about coordinating other efforts and strategic planning. Still.....for something like Bond, I'd think they could get an L7 at least.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Like most things Amazon video is a mixed bag. The Boys is really good, other stuff is pretty mediocre.

  • by doubledown00 ( 2767069 ) on Thursday December 26, 2024 @11:02AM (#65040471)

    They're such an anachronism. And the last couple haven't been very good movies either.

    And let's not stand on ceremony here with some high brow claims of quality. This is a franchise that has featured such captivating Bond Girls as Honey Ryder, Pussy Galore, Kissy Suzuki, Plenty O'Toole, Chew Me, Holly Goodhead, etc.

    I don't know if Amazon's vision is any good here, but the franchise could arguably benefit from some new ideas.

    • by mckwant ( 65143 )

      This is valid, and I'm a fan. Especially in the film versions, once you remove the racism and date rape, I'm not sure what's unique about the franchise. While here, the whole thing started falling apart when Roger Moore took over, and I'll not listen to arguments.

      Now, off my lawn, and go read the first couple of books, which are pretty good.

    • by hey! ( 33014 ) on Thursday December 26, 2024 @12:24PM (#65040675) Homepage Journal

      Every franchise is predicated on promising a psychological impossibility: a perfectly and endlessly repeatable experience. So inevitably successful franchises end up with some fans complaining about it becoming repetitive and other fans complaining about it not being repetitive enough. Even if you go back to the first version of Star Wars you imprinted on as a child, you won't ever recapture that experience because you'll never be a kid who's never seen anything like this again.

      For a franchise to survive as long as Bond has it has to carefully guide audiences through new experiences without them being *too* new. The Bond franchise has had a good run. First it was about fantasies of sanctioned sociopathic behavior. Then it rode increasing budgets and technical sophistication to ever higher levels of stunts and practical effects. Then it turned back and tried to shed some light on the psychology of Bond.

      But eventually every franchise runs out of gas. To keep Bond going now, you need to concoct a formula for the same old thing, only a little different. If someone can do that, there will be new films that satisfy at least some fans. But if they try that and fail, people will complain about them monkeying with the formula. If they don't monkey with the formula, they'll end up producing something that fails because it's not new enough.

      • I'd be fine with another Bond movie with some cool gadgets, good action set pieces, a nefarious villain, and all the other usual trappings. I'll accept that not every single film has to take the franchise to new amazing heights, because that's not possible. I'm sure there're plenty of talented directors who are fans of the films and could bring all manner of interesting ideas to the franchise, but the studio suits are too concerned with wring out every last cent from any film that they can't make anything d
      • by BranMan ( 29917 )

        Actually, I can see a great new twist on the James Bond movies: have him forced to train two new agents to follow in his footsteps. Could even have a new "Q" to make gadgets for the new agents vs. the existing "Q" 'who may be just a tad too old school'.

        I could see that being a blast - especially when they are all sent on a "minor" mission that turns out to be anything but.

        Yeah, I could see that.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      The last Bond movie is one of the best they have ever done. It's going to be hard to follow that up.

    • I'm not sure where to lay the blame - the execution team (people making the films) or the production team (people signing off on the vision), but the end result hasn't been very good at all. The one exception seems to be the remake of Casino Royale - which would have been a good movie even without the additional allure of it being a Bond film. That film had soul. Bond, the character, and not the Bond gadgets, are the things that made the difference in the plot of that movie. But all the subsequent Daniel Cr

  • There is no planet where this deal will be profitable for Amazon, but the rank and file must justify their existence with every line of code, every package delivered. Accountability just doesn't exist for a certain class of people.

  • In the final script he'll be an ultra-macho XYY union buster who wears penis pants and shows his contempt for death by booking flights on Boeing aircraft.

  • They should have stopped James Bond when Sean Connery stopped starring in them, IMHO.

    Funny article (I RTFA). Those Amazon corporate people look indeed like idiots. Well, like most corporate people i would say. ^^

    Also, i observe that wokism is on the decline. But it seems to die slower among computer people. i wonder what is their problem. Maybe they don't have enough sex.

    Yeah, Bond is not a Boy Scout or a real life role model but these movies are not about that. They were fun shows showing bond dominating e

    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Baron_Yam ( 643147 )

      >They should have stopped James Bond when Sean Connery stopped starring in them, IMHO.

      Bond was pretty interesting when he first hit the screen, but it was a departure from the books. I liked that Connery's Bond was brutally cold when it came down to it. Pretty woman who just lied to you? Yeah, she'll make a great bullet shield. Didn't even think about it, just used her.

      But his Bond was already pretty silly, and with every new Bond it just got worse. Once you had Bourne on the scene doing the 'realis

    • I genuinely believe, having done another binge of them, that Connery was the worst bond, with the possible exception (ironically!) of the non-EON NSNA where he's matured enough to figure out the role. Connery gets a lot of praise, but I think people don't appreciate both how poor the acting is, coupled with how poorly Bond was written at that time.

      Best Bond movie was OHMSS, far and away superior to anything that came before, and it was the first non-Connery EON Bond film.

  • Ms Broccoli postulates that James Bond should be played by a man and a Brit. And Pierce Brosnan is from Hampstead Heath I gather?

  • it does not bode well for fans nor shareholders.

    folks hate reboots that deviate wildly from the source material

    keep it authentic, keep it fan focused, and it should be impossible to fuck these things up

    these franchises should be slam dunks, arguably amazon got mgm for a steal, and is pissing away every ounce of good will.

    after the expanse continuation we could be forgiven for thinking amazon was the chosen one... but no more.

  • Bond is Bond (Score:5, Insightful)

    by MpVpRb ( 1423381 ) on Thursday December 26, 2024 @12:05PM (#65040605)

    He's is a straight, white, British man. End of discussion
    He cannot be replaced by any other fashionable or politically correct flavor of the day
    I'm in favor of diversity if it makes sense. Tell a NEW story about a gay black woman in an appropriate setting
    Rebooting or reinventing classic stories to fit modern politics is silly and wrong and often products garbage that sucks mightily

    • I'd agree he's straight, male, and played as British (though the two non-British actors who played him were fine, and Brosnan played him as English anyway.) Those are defining parts of his personality. White, on the other hand? I don't see any legitimate reason to require white skin. It makes it easier in some cases, but Eldris Elba, to name a possible Bond actor whose name comes up on a regular basis, would do a great job with the character.

      • by HiThere ( 15173 )

        I'm not familiar with any of the movies, but the books definitely implied white. They also implied that there were at least six other agents of a similar nature, but about which we know almost nothing.

      • by Mirddes ( 798147 )

        i'd watch Eldris Elba as James Bond.

    • He's is a straight, white, British man. End of discussion
      He cannot be replaced by any other fashionable or politically correct flavor of the day
      I'm in favor of diversity if it makes sense. Tell a NEW story about a gay black woman in an appropriate setting

      Straight and British for sure. But white??

      How is being Caucasian essential to Bond's character?

      I agree there's characters who should not be re-cast. Superman and Batman for instance are both very much straight white guys (for slightly different reasons). But Bond core characteristic is a suave British spy, that's straight male, but he doesn't need to be white.

      Rebooting or reinventing classic stories to fit modern politics is silly and wrong and often products garbage that sucks mightily

      On the contrary not rebooting/reinventing is silly and wrong. I can accept a lot of weirdness in older Bond movies because is was the 70s/80s. But do

      • Fans would scream, but Batman doesn't actually need to be straight. He's Batman, he punches themed criminals. That's his entire life, his sole obsession.

        All the Bruce stuff is playing acting to maintain his wealth to fund his night activities. He could be bi or gay or whatever else, and still pretend to be straight as a requirement of the wealthy playboy image while having a hider on the side. It wouldn't affect beating his up clowns in the slightest.

        Even the stuff with Selena or Diana could be more sub

  • I grew up with Bond. I just watched several Bond films over the holidays and frankly, they don't hold up. They are a product of their time and are frankly more cringe-inducing than I expected. I don't need more Bond films. "The Kingsman" was better than all of the last few Bond movies. Come up with new ideas instead of trying to squeeze the last remaining drops of blood from that tired franchise.
  • In the last Bond movie I watched he died, []. So will the next Bond movie feature a Zombie Bond or maybe a ghost Bond?
  • No disrespect to Daniel Crag, but the "Bond" movies changed after he took over. Gone were the days of the "Bond Girls" the off color humor and what not. If you'd NEVER saw a Bond movie before Craig, I guess you'd like them, but I go all the way back to "Dr. No". Bond just isn't the same any more.

If at first you don't succeed, you are running about average.
