Interview: Ask Illiad Anything 68
You've probably read Illiad's User Friendly cartoons more than a few times. But who is Illiad? How did the strip develop? Why would anyone bother to spend so much time drawing a comic strip so geek-oriented that it'll never be as popular as, say, Family Circus or Mary Worth? Hey, don't ask me. Ask Illiad. Please post your questions below. The usual horde of Slashdot moderators and semi-trained mammals will pick 10 or 12 and forward them to Illiad. Answers will appear Friday.
Re:Dust Puppy wiggle (Score:1)
it has to do with the fact when he tilts, he is so light, the air pushes him back, thus he gets a pendilum effect with a Minumum of movement.
Personally, I can't wiggle right with a mouse...
so I got a trackball.
I'm wondering if Dust Puppy plays any mods...
DanteAliegri [ it was dantealiegri@dustpuppy.org....but nooo... rit can't fix dustpuppy.org, so its danteSP@Magnus.net]
--Your wit is as sharp as you make it
Dust Puppy toys (Score:1)
Dammit Jim, I'm a cup of hot steaming coffee (Score:2)
When you came up with the design document for 'Pac Man', how many of your co-workers laughed at you, saying it would never work? How many of them are dead now?
Relate to us the tale of how you prevented the Nazi's from gaining control of our atomic weapons at the end of World War II.
When you were lost in the deserts of Turkey, dying of thirst, did you, even once, wish you were back in Seattle in a bubblebath with Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates?
Question (Score:2)
Is Miranda as hot as I think she is?
UFPFH (Score:3)
Just a question (Score:2)
Stuffed Dust (Crud) Puppy (Score:1)
Canadian Timekeeping (Score:1)
Re:Maybe you were watching Crusade's first episode (Score:1)
I've submitted stories about it, here at slashdot, and they haven't put them up. Babylon5 has been getting the bad end of the stick in relation to TNT.. aparently TNT wants more sex, violence, and other wrestling/cowboy related stuff.
The first episode was horrible but half of that is TNT's fault.
I kinda compare crusade to the first season of B5, kinda crappy but can see it as a build up to something good.
Check out The lurker's guide [midwinter.com] for more info.
Have fun
How do you do it? (Score:1)
Num Lock (Score:2)
a.) On?
b.) Off?
c.) Don't Care?
d.) This poll sucks?
OS Wizard (Score:1)
a practical question... (Score:2)
Jesse James did not sleep on my carpet. (Score:1)
Nth Post! (and a correct URL) (Score:4)
My question: What is the capital of Burkina Faso, and why does it have so many vowels?
Re:Ever considered cameos... (Score:1)
Re:Ever considered cameos... (Score:1)
The viewer then takes his "knowledge" out to the local sports bar or something to impress the other loser^H^H^H^H^Hpatrons there.
Re:Who's the mole????? (Score:1)
take that any way you please
Who's the mole????? (Score:2)
But my question is WHERE'S MIRANDA...... We don't have a Miranda!!!!!!
Thanks for the humour Illiad.. It helps me and the other techies "sane" in an otherwise insane world.
Re:Question (Score:1)
Re:Random product boxes (Score:1)
Random product boxes (Score:2)
Re:Ever considered cameos... (Score:1)
Re:Ever considered cameos... (Score:1)
00:01 PDT 15 JUL 1999
I got quite a bit of mail from people who really enjoyed the salute to
Bloom County in yesterday's strip, and I thank everyone for their words
of praise. It should be obvious by now that Berke Breathed's Bloom
County has been by far the greatest influence on my cartooning. I only
felt it was fitting to offer a tip of the hat to my two favourite characters
in that venerable strip, Opus and Oliver. And to answer a few of the
letters, no, I probably won't bring the Bloom County characters back,
aside from the legal issues, I just don't think it'd be right if I laid it on
that thick.
Re: Crusade (Score:1)
now i just watch The Sopranos on hbo during that time-slot.. oh well, i got bab5 season 1-5 on video.
Beach Parties (Score:1)
From what you saw there, does Iambe have a 'Q' tatoo as seen in This Picture [home.com]?
Does Arcterex really look like his picture on the UFie page? If so, did his family get a good settlement from the malpractice suit? :)
Re:i noticed something (Score:1)
I wouldn't imagine it's at all deliberate.
Re:Just a question (Score:1)
(You can tell the Wacom tablets from the texture of the lines.)
Re:Beach Parties (Score:1)
I just want to know what if Illiad was looking for the tatoo or not..
This *Hour* has Seven Days (Score:1)
The 22 Minutes crew are paying homage to that old CBC anchor program. (Of course their way to pay homage is to have a joke at their expense).
Re:i noticed something (Score:1)
Not EVERYTHING has some deep, sinister, overtone, unless it comes out of Microsoft.
Re:Nth Post! (and a correct URL) (Score:2)
Why so may vowels? Well, try s/ou/br/g... I think Brgadbrgbr wouldn't be much better
Re:i noticed something (beware, I see a soap box) (Score:1)
So, because the thought that "minorities" weren't represented in User Friendly never crossed my mind, am I a racist white pig? Thought so. Is it just me or does anyone else out there think that adding "minority" characters to comics, TV shows, and movies just to "keep things equal" is just as discriminatory as leaving them out? If there's a useful purpose for a "minority" character, then by all means add the character. But the plain and simple fact is, "minorities" don't always fit into certain situations, just as us whitefolk don't always fit into others.
I, being a middle-class white male American, watch predominantly "black" sitcoms (ie, "Family Ties", "Cosby", "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", that sort of rerun stuff) from time to time without even giving the slightest thought to the fact that there are very rarely any white people on these shows. It doesn't occur to me that there should be; the shows are about black families. Why should there be white people? So you have to ask yourself...why doesn't this work the other way around? TV shows with a mostly-white cast get called racist or discriminatory. Hmmm.
I know this isn't the time or the place, but in light of recent events I had to say something. :)
Wonko the Sane
really really off topic, but good beer (Score:1)
Re:Ever considered cameos... (Score:1)
Does this ring a bell with anyone else?
99 little bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code,
fix one bug, compile it again...
Re:Question (Score:1)
1. Who are you?
2. What do you want?
3. Got something to eat with you?
This is the standard, when someone rings at my door and I do not expect anyone to come by.
Re:Canadian Timekeeping (Score:1)
Because a half-hour show, such as the ludicrously funny (to Canadians) This Hour Has 22 Minutes runs for 22 minutes, the other 8 are commercials.
Oh yeah, and the 'loonie' ($CDN) is worth significantly less than the $US to investors around the world for no apparent reason (who eliminated their budget deficit first, hmmm?)
AFAIK: He DOES have FAQ (Score:2)
And these questions are answered in it.
Re:Canadian Timekeeping (Score:1)
but that's just what I heard... Maybe I'll time it some time.
Re:Question (Score:1)
I miss it too, Crusade just doesn't fit the B5 shaped hole in my life.
Rick Kirkland
A perfect Dust Puppy Figure (Score:1)
Re:Nth Post! (and a correct URL) (Score:1)
Re:Ever considered cameos... (Score:1)
Re:Dammit Jim, I'm a cup of hot steaming coffee (Score:1)
Nice sense of humor, though.
Ever considered cameos... (Score:1)
Pardon me if this has happened before (I'm new to UF and Linux and may have missed a bit of history). Love the strip.
My humble apologies... (Score:1)
Hey Illiad (Score:2)
here goes . . .
When did you first come up with the idea for User Friendly?
Was it a spark of inspiration or something you've been waiting to do for awhile?
Will User Friendly continue to be a comic strip, or might it move to animation?
There seems to be an unspoken connection between various geek comics on the web.(ie After Y2K etc.) Is this by accident? How many other online comic artists do you know?
Is User Friendly an exclusive solo effort? Do you have an assistance with any drawing,inking, coloring etc.? Or is it all just done on computer?
And Finally
Do you folks out there like Murphy's Irish Cream Stout as well as Guiness?
Disconnect a human and he'll swear he's the center of The Matrix.
How many paper papers have User Friendly (Score:1)
Question (Score:1)
(Okay, lame Babylon 5 reference... I miss that show.)
Re:i noticed something (Score:1)
It's actually more common here to find all-Chinese shops, so I wouldn't get too bent about it.
My question (Score:2)
Dust Puppy (Score:3)
do that *wiggle* thing?......
I just can't get the hang of it
i noticed something (Score:2)
I extremely enjoy looking at your funny comic strip. In fact, it's what i have setup as my 'homepage' on my browser. I've gone through all the archives and have laughed my head off at some of the jokes. The only thing that strikes me as odd is that how come I havent seen 1 black, hispanic, asian, native american, etc. in the whole strip ever? What's up with that?
Frank, a.k.a. i244
Re:Beach Parties (Score:1)
My real question is: How do *I* get the dust in *my* computer to become sentient ?