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LucasFilm President Answers The Burning 'Star Wars' Question: What's Next? ( 211

66-year-old Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy reveals what they'll do after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Kennedy says that streaming "is a really important transition... What we've been focused on these last five or six years is finishing that family saga around the Skywalkers. Now is the time to start thinking about how to segue into something new and different."

Kennedy also blames the poor box office of the 2018 movie Solo on the release of too many Star Wars movies too quickly, and remembers getting Disney's okay on a "pause" before future films. "We're literally making this up from whole cloth and bringing in filmmakers to find what these stories might be," Kennedy said. "It can take a while before you find what direction you might want to go. We need the time to do that." The next "Star Wars" film is expected to arrive in 2022, and that's essentially all that's known about it. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has an idea for a "Star Wars" movie, but it's in the early stages, according to Kennedy. Rian Johnson, who wrote and directed "The Last Jedi," is also developing more "Star Wars" films.

Kennedy said she plans to make key decisions about the direction of the franchise in the coming weeks. But some things she already knows. While the "Skywalker" saga is ending, the company won't abandon the characters created in the most recent trilogy. Additionally, she said, the plan is to move beyond trilogies, which can be restricting. "I think it gives us a more open-ended view of storytelling and doesn't lock us into this three-act structure," she said. "We're not going to have some finite number and fit it into a box. We're really going to let the story dictate that."

The article also notes that George Lucas complained there was "nothing new" in The Force Awakens, according to Bob Iger's recent book The Ride of a Lifetime. And though that film was a commercial and critical success, the Times also writes that "Debates over the franchise persisted." "The Last Jedi," for example, was criticized in some circles for going too far in subverting "Star Wars" tropes. Kennedy says the company heeds feedback from "Star Wars" fans. For example, Lucasfilm decided to revive "The Clone Wars" TV series for Disney+ following a prolonged campaign by viewers. "It does matter what they say and what they care about," Kennedy said. "All of those things play a role in our decision making."

Aside from films, Lucasfilm has ample "Star Wars" material in the works, especially for Disney+. The studio is working on shows starring Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Diego Luna as his rebel spy character from "Rogue One." Additionally, the company is experimenting with new formats. Lucasfilm's ILMxLab, a virtual reality and augmented reality unit founded in 2015, this year released a VR series called "Vader Immortal" that puts users face-to-face with Darth Vader and trains headset users to wield a lightsaber.

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LucasFilm President Answers The Burning 'Star Wars' Question: What's Next?

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  • Who cares? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 15, 2019 @11:39PM (#59523076)

    That shitty Mary Sue character pretty much killed the franchise after Episode 7.

    • Too quickly? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Brain-Fu ( 1274756 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @12:21AM (#59523146) Homepage Journal

      Kennedy also blames the poor box office of the 2018 movie Solo on the release of too many Star Wars movies too quickly

      I'm sure this failure had nothing to do with the way TLJ directly insulted fans by turning their heroes into cowards, traitors, quitters, and failures. Nor did all the blatant man-shaming play a role in angering anyone.

      There was also the issue of terrible story writing, involving people acting amazingly out-of-character in order to create drama. And that interesting moment when Abrams insulted all the fans who pointed out these problems by saying that they are just mad about women in positions of power (which of course makes no sense given the number of widely celebrated sci-fi movies that have exactly this).

      Nah, it's just because one awesome movie a year is simply too much awesome for our fans to take. Yep.

      • Re:Too quickly? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Octorian ( 14086 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @01:33AM (#59523268) Homepage

        All of this has made it impossible to criticize the movie, despite its numerous flaws, for fear of being labeled something we're now all supposed to ostracize from our social circles. Seriously, the thing I hate most about TLJ is how its turned fandom (and reactions to fandom) toxic.

        • Re:Too quickly? (Score:5, Insightful)

          by thegriebels ( 6462708 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @05:45AM (#59523656)

          I do very much respect women the same like I respect men and I think women have every right to have the same rights and privileges in society as men do. But, at the same time I do respect that there are fundamental differences between genders, both physically and also emotionally. So, maybe there are simply less women that aspire to be in a "position of power" as men do..?

          But getting back on topic... It wasn't really the blatant feminism that was on display that bugged me about TLJ and for al its "blatantism", I even didn't really notice it at first. The reason why was probably because the story itself was simply dumb and riddled with plot holes and just general stupid stuff that destroyed the thin layer of logic that still kept together the Star Wars universe forever...

          * Using the hyperdrive as an all-destroying deadly weapon?
          * The whole First Order - Rebel hunt that made no sense at all. Just power your hyperdrive for a few seconds and take them from all sides?
          * Luke Skywalker abandoning the Jedi, the Force and leaving the galaxy to rot?
          * The all-mighty Skywalker who transports his holographic self across the galaxy?
          * The all-mighty Leia Organa that gets blown out into space and transports herself back in? She died just about a year prior to the release of the movie, why not give her a graceful farewell in this movie?
          * Bombs that need to be dropped like World-War 2-era carpet bombs?
          * The whole already unbelievable sub-plot with the codebreaker, that ended up being completely pointless?
          * Snoke being the most incompetent supervillain ever?
          * Admiral Ackbar getting killed like a bitch?
          * Mary Sue being exposed as being a real Mary Sue?
          I surely missed a whole bunch of stuff, but it were primarily those points that made the whole thing unwatchable for me. I can suspend my disbelief only to a certain extend...

          Rian Johnson, who wrote and directed "The Last Jedi," is also developing more "Star Wars" films.

          Happy joy joy... or... I have a bad feeling about this...

          • Re:Too quickly? (Score:5, Interesting)

            by stealth_finger ( 1809752 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @06:22AM (#59523730)
            The best part is, well not best but whatever, Leia is still held up yet rogue one completey took a shit over her legacy. All that work organising the different raids for all the different parts of the deathstar plans and putting all that together, analysing it and finding the weakness ultimatly resulting in the destruction of the deathstar (Operation Skyhook) was erased and replaced with them being just given it in a neat little pacakage all ready to go. Yet Leia keeps all the credit and esteem. Further to that it makes the start of a new hope a joke when she says to vader about this being a diplomatic ship or whatever because he can legit say bullshit, we've just seen this ship come from that bigger one over that planet we just blew the fuck up.

            • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

              Also, no Bothans died.

              • That was for the Second Death Star plans (Return of the Jedi).

                • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )

                  That was for the Second Death Star plans (Return of the Jedi).

                  Judging by your name you probably enjoyed hearing about all those bothans getting slaughtered too didn't you, you sick bastard.

                • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

                  True, but it would have been a funny nod to the fans. A nod such as was put into the expanded universe via a couple of the video games, so in the EU many Bothans DID die as part of the plot to deliver the first death star plans. A plot that was much more realistic than the movie too.

            • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )

              The best part is, well not best but whatever, Leia is still held up yet rogue one completey took a shit over her legacy. All that work organising the different raids for all the different parts of the deathstar plans and putting all that together, analysing it and finding the weakness ultimatly resulting in the destruction of the deathstar (Operation Skyhook) was erased and replaced with them being just given it in a neat little pacakage all ready to go. Yet Leia keeps all the credit and esteem. Further to that it makes the start of a new hope a joke when she says to vader about this being a diplomatic ship or whatever because he can legit say bullshit, we've just seen this ship come from that bigger one over that planet we just blew the fuck up.

              I always got the sense that she got the credit not for obtaining the information, but rather for making sure that it got back to the rebellion. Plus, you know the fact that the people she brought back with her were the ones eventually responsible for destroying the Death Star probably didn't either.

            • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

              According to your links all that stuff contradicts what is said in A New Hope, let alone Rogue One.

          • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )

            * Bombs that need to be dropped like World-War 2-era carpet bombs?

            Tie bombers literally dropping bombs are canon, are they not? I seem to remember in ESB Tie Bombers dropping bombs on the asteroids trying to flush out the Falcon.

            • Most of those asteroids were at least large enough to have gravity. Enough gravity to pull them into a generally spherical shape (at least the one the falcon was hiding on)

          • My guess is that someone in the direction of the movie decided that they needed to "dumb down" the movie to the point where even the most ignorant would be able to understand what they were watching.
          • Re:Too quickly? (Score:5, Informative)

            by UnknownSoldier ( 67820 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @09:59AM (#59524188)

            Not a bad summary. Here are a whopping 8 hours of critical analysis commentary on why Stupid Wars: The Latest Junk (SW:TLJ) was shit:

            === MauLer ===

            A Critique of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Part 1

            A Critique of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Part 2

            A Critique of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Part 3

            === Wisecrack ===

            Star Wars: The Last Jedi - What Went Wrong? -- Wisecrack Edition

            === MisAnthro Pony ===

            The Last Jedi And The Fall Of Star Wars: Part 1 - The Idiocy Awakens

            The Last Jedi And The Fall Of Star Wars: Part 2 - Attack Of The Kennedy

            The Last Jedi And The Fall Of Star Wars: Part 3 - The Johnson Menace

            The Last Jedi And The Fall Of Star Wars: Part 4 - Return Of The Hamill

            The Last Jedi And The Fall Of Star Wars: Part 5 - Revenge Of The Fans / A New Hope?

            === Bonus ===

            KK wearing that stupid T-Shirt "The Force is Female" didn't help either.

            Q. How do you wreck SW?
            A. Add a J.

          • Amen brother, but somehow you failed to mention the biggies:

            - Yet another Death Star to blow up, because obviously Star Wars is all about blowing up Death Stars. But this one is bigger and badder and more destroyier than all previous Death Stars(!!!)
            - New Super Destroyier Death Star sucks up the sun to power super-lazors to destroy a gazillion planets at once, which is redundant due to sucking up the god-damned sun of the freaking solar system
            - billions must have died, yet the "Rebels" act like they won. DA

        • by x0 ( 32926 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @07:43AM (#59523854) Homepage

          Seriously, the thing I hate most about TLJ is how its turned fandom (and reactions to fandom) toxic.

          No, the fans didn't turn 'toxic'. It's just more bullshit narrative from the woke crowd. A label they applied so they could virtue signal and deflect blame. There are no more or less 'asshole' fans than existed before this current climate.

          TLJ is not a good film. But, if you call out the flaws or point out the entire casino planet scene was plot filler and BS, or lament the complete waste of killing Admiral Ackbar offscreen, you immediately get attacked for being a misogynist.

          The difference now is that social media makes it easier for the assholes to reach a wider audience, and it gives SJWs a place to rally and throw shade on anyone who disagrees with them.

          I had hopes, back in 2014, that Disney would improve on the prequels with well written stories...


        • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

          All of this has made it impossible to criticize the movie, despite its numerous flaws, for fear of being labeled something we're now all supposed to ostracize from our social circles. Seriously, the thing I hate most about TLJ is how its turned fandom (and reactions to fandom) toxic.

          Want to blame someone for it? Blame the same social justice jackasses that started blaming people that the reason Ghostbusters 2016 failed was because people hate women, also the reason why gamergate happened was because people hate women. And all of the other cock-weasels who believe that anything that dares to question something is automatic misognyny(even when no women are involved). Also don't forget the current strain of feminism is so deep in identity politics with a purity spiral that if you don't

      • There was never a sense of peril in Solo. You know he's just going to smile his way through everything. Star Wars needs more complex writing and along with it, more soulful acting by the heroes. I shouldn't feel like I can take a 10 minute nap during any point in the show and not have to care about what I missed.

        • I disagree. At the end of Solo I had no idea who was going to double or triple cross whom. Obviously Han lives, but I was in suspense as to who else lives or dies.

      • I didn't get that out of watching the movie. I just found it to not be a very engaging movie, Because it covered a back story that I didn't really think of exploring.

        Han Solo wasn't a mysterious character, his feelings, motivations and actions are not that hard to understand, especially the way Ford had played him. We already knew he won the Millennium Falcon "Fair and Square" from Londo, in a card game. We didn't need a whole coming to age story with a great heist sub plot to get him to the point where he

      • Re:Too quickly? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @10:26AM (#59524342)

        Kennedy also blames the poor box office of the 2018 movie Solo on the release of too many Star Wars movies too quickly

        I'm sure this failure had nothing to do with the way TLJ directly insulted fans by turning their heroes into cowards, traitors, quitters, and failures. Nor did all the blatant man-shaming play a role in angering anyone.

        There was also the issue of terrible story writing, involving people acting amazingly out-of-character in order to create drama. And that interesting moment when Abrams insulted all the fans who pointed out these problems by saying that they are just mad about women in positions of power (which of course makes no sense given the number of widely celebrated sci-fi movies that have exactly this).

        Nah, it's just because one awesome movie a year is simply too much awesome for our fans to take. Yep.

        I watched an interview with Gal Gadot of Wonder Woman fame. Smiling, friendly, pleasant, noting that her WW films were for both boys and girls, both men and women.

        Then the video maker segued to a scowling Brie Larson whining about how such and such film wasn't made for 40 year old "white dudes".

        Back to Star Wars, Kennedy and her homies in the now famous "The force is Female" image showed the tactic she was taking.

        The Star Wars recent offerings just aren't very good. For all the reasons you note. And for the exceptionally clumsy political misandrist impositions on the plots. Claiming Star Wars fatigue is odd, considering the amount they paid for the rights, as well as Marvel seems to be able to pump the movies out without "fatigue".

        Hollywood needs to stop taking the knee to people that hate all males. The people on Twitter that seem to control what is being made tend to not go to movies, just complain about male privilege and move on to whatever they are outraged about next.

        Charlie's Angels 2019, Terminator Dark Fate, and Black Christmas 2019 are exhibits for the woke crowd. Will The Rise of Skywalker join them?

    • That’s the thing. The studio say they are going to hang on to some of the characters introduced in the last trilogy... but why bother? The first trilogy gave us memorable leads and even memorable supporting characters. The second trilogy did a decent job establishing its characters. The last 2 movies in the trilogy utterly fail at that. No one will have a little fangasm if Kylo, Rey, BB8 or Rose make an appearance in a later movie. And besides those, what other characters are there? That old lady wi
      • The last 2 movies in the trilogy utterly fail at that.

        I don't think so. I think for instance, that Finn is an amazing character whose potential has until now been largely wasted... but there could be some amazing stories from a former stormtrooper who turns against them. You got a small taste of what could be with that battle at the castle where Finn had to fight a former teammate, whom the internet dubbed trooper TR-8R.

        We also need to see the final movie of trepanned trilogy to truly say who will be memo

        • Oh I agree, the potential for some amazing stories and characters is certainly there. My point is that thus far they have largely failed to realise that potential. They just need a couple of halfway decent writers.
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by sandbagger ( 654585 )

          >I think for instance, that Finn is an amazing character whose potential has until now been largely wasted...

          So... he's not an amazing character then. Correct?

        • I think they went wrong with Finn by having him be a greenhorn. Finn should have been a grizzled old veteran, who had done Horrible Shit for the FO because he believed in the Cause. Then something happens that makes the scales fall from his eyes, and with a heavy heart he turns his back on them. And when he joins the Resistance, they hate him and don't trust him because they know the things he did, so it's a story about him dealing with remorse and trying to find redemption. That would be an interesting cha

      • The second trilogy did a decent job establishing its characters.

        I clearly remember a time when the second trilogy was though to be to worst thing ever to possibly happen to the StarWars universe, with some releasing multi-hour long review complaining about it on Youtube [].
        And now some look back to it with fond memories?

        I predict that, in 10 years, once the next trilogy is finally out of its development hell, people will be criticizing it for being to much distant from the source material (taking place a different part of the famed distant Galaxy), and praising the 3rd tri

        • The prequels were trash as movies. But what they did do was add fun toys to the sandbox that is Star Wars. I play Battlefront II, and the map where you're droids blasting clone troopers on Kamino is fun. Defending Naboo from the droids is fun. The writing was shit, but the planets were cool, the aliens were cool, the ships and the tanks and weapons were cool.

          Nothing like that in the sequels. The planets are boring, there's almost no aliens, and they're still using the same ships from the OT. They didn't add

  • Milk it (Score:5, Insightful)

    by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Sunday December 15, 2019 @11:40PM (#59523078) Journal
    Milk it till it's dry.

    Then do remakes.
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Just so long as the milk is green.

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      Right. Back in the day we called this straight to video, and it was used to gain whatever revenue was possible from old product, it will work for Disney, though

      In this case Star Wars and MCU is being used to promote their streaming service to adults. Though I like these movies, it is not going to get me pat for the service, anymore that Star Trek gets me to pay for that streaming service

  • by SNRatio ( 4430571 ) on Sunday December 15, 2019 @11:45PM (#59523086)

    Now is the time to start thinking about how to segue into something new and different.

    Good. So they're moving on from the Star Wars universe and using their talents to develop an actual new idea. Looking forward to it.

    • What talents? The sad thing about the 3rd trilogy is that there are so many other talented people out there who would have done a much better job with the material.

      The last thing we need is for these hacks to move on and ruin another franchise, or botch the production of a promising script that is actually new.
  • For me, Solo was the only new Star Wars story I found interesting and was curious to see what would happen next.
    • Oh, next they would have built another death star.
    • Same here, and I am a Star Wars nerd. That movie was closer to the Star Wars Universe than all other new” movies.

      • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )

        Same here, and I am a Star Wars nerd. That movie was closer to the Star Wars Universe than all other new” movies.

        Rogue One was the first Star Wars movie that actually felt like they were, you know, in a war. You know, with 2 sides actually trying to win and using tactics. The Rebels felt like an insurgency fighting a guerrilla, asymmetrical war. Ambushes, reconnaissance, raids. Not idiotic moves like having the defenders of a base fighting against armored vehicles inexplicably all deciding to get out of their trenches and charge towards said vehicles, or having a crucial installation in a forest with no defensive

  • LucasFilm President Doesn't Answer The Burning 'Star Wars' Question: What's Next?
  • by BurnBabyBurn ( 6407404 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @12:15AM (#59523136)
    We spent 2 years of our life waiting for TLJ. My wife hated that movie so much that she would not go with me to watch Solo at the theater. Just last week we bought the DVD and watched it. Solo was actually quite good. The Rise of Skywalker - we will wait a month to see if it sucks or not. If the leaks are true that movie sounds very tired and uninspiring. Disney is probably making a good move by going to streaming. However I personally will go out of my way to avoid any more shows they are dumb enough to put Rian Johnson in charge of.
    • by Zarhan ( 415465 )

      That's actually the long and short of the new movies. Mainline series, EPs 7 & 8 were mostly "meh", while "Star Wars Stories", meaning Rogue One and Solo were very good and good, respectively.

      • Rogue One was very very good. Apart from the original trilogy, it's probably the best SW film. I liked the pacing and plotting. It's a movie that never slackens. It's a war film and doesn't apologize for it.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Solo was not quite good. It was objectively terrible. Bad writing, bad pacing, bad acting. Tried to shoehorn too much in and didn't really develop Han as a character, just gave some backstory. It just wasn't much fun either.

      Solo failed because it was bad. This is just an excuse to avoid admitting that. The team hasn't been given any more SW movies while Rian Johnson has.

  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @12:32AM (#59523184)

    I honestly think Solo did fail in large part due to timing, it was just too much Star Wars too soon. I think a mixture of TV shows along with a movie about every two years is about the right balance to give people time to regain interest in a movie again.

    But the other reason Solo failed is something few seem to bring up and fewer seem to admit - the leading actor was kind of a dud. He was just not great in that role, and worst of all - he seemed to have little chemistry with women.

    My wife, along with a lot of other women, LOVED Harrison Ford. Like a lot.

    But even though I've had a number of friends say Solo was actually pretty good, all of them have been male - any female I've ever talked to (including my wife) that saw Solo simply did not like the leading actor.

    So combine a bit of Star Wars fatigue with a lack of women wanting to see Solo because it had little appeal to them, and you would up with a depressed box office.

    What a shame, as I would have liked to see a followup to that... oh well.

    • never a problem with the MCU
    • I really don't buy that fatigue excuse, that's not a problem for the MCU - 23 movies in 11 years. Plus The Mandalorian is big hit. I do agree that Solo was poorly scheduled coming up against Infinity War & Deadpool 2. Solo failed due to poor release timing, very bad press about behind the scenes stuff, a movie that no one asked for, a lead that could never live up to Harrison Ford and a backlash from half the audience that hated The Last Jedi. I'm a massive Star Wars fan who liked the prequels and Rogue
    • Your wife has to get excited by the leading male actor for her to be interested in the movie? Are you saying women expect movies to be soft core porn or they're not interested? That's so incredibly shallow.

      Not all men and women care about the sex appeal of actors.

      The problem could be that Disney has been doing a bad job with _story_ lately.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      He wasn't a great actor but he didn't have much to work with. Instead of writing him as a swashbuckler they wrote him as an idiot who took insane risks and got lucky, despite trashing the Falcon.

      Good friendship with Chewie made no sense either, why would be stay with this fool?

    • I honestly think Solo did fail in large part due to timing, it was just too much Star Wars too soon.

      Actually I think it's The Last Jedi which killed the golden goose. Rogue one had not such problem despite following the same cadence as Solo. Also the Marvel Cinematic Universe shows that fans actually don't get enough of something.

      However (and I say this anecdotally) TLJ was such a worthless shitshow of a movie that it turned me off the franchise. I had no interest in seeing Solo after TLJ, much like I had no interest in seeing Episode 2 after Episode 1 came out.

      Solo was an okay movie when I did eventually

    • I think Solo failed because it took one of the most fun, swashbuckling characters in the SW universe, and turned him into something that was no fun at all. It also took Han's and Chewi's pivotal first meeting, one of the great friendships on film, and did nothing with it. Sure, we're in a pit together - let's be friends. Only the scene of the train robbery came even close to original SW excitement. And I think a huge chunk of the reason it failed was the guy who played Solo simply couldn't act. I've se
  • What's next? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by JackAxe ( 689361 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @12:38AM (#59523192)
    They'll once again blame their failures on the fans.
  • What's Next? (Score:5, Informative)

    by grep -v '.*' * ( 780312 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @12:41AM (#59523204)
    Mickey Mouse shows up and holds the audience hostage in the theater until they give him ALL of their money. In the meantime, he entertains/threatens them with his Sith sword-wielding skills and tells them to invite all of their friends next time so that they won't appear to be the only stupid ones.

    And you thought Scrooge McDuck was the evil one.
  • Sorry but thats usually a recipe for disaster. You never want a vocal minority of idiots steering the ship.

  • Meesa sell some merch.
  • would want anything to do with their grandparents' 42 year old franchise. (The same with Star Trek.)
    • Many of the popular superheroes are pretty old characters at this point, too. Common culture is comforting: my kids were surfing Netflix and found a Transformers spinoff on there. I didn't recognize the show or characters, but at one point they were chatting with Optimus Prime on the vid screen and I commented that I knew that character. The kids found it very notable that Dad recognized that guy, and point him out to me whenever we're around merchandise where he's depicted, despite not really being int
  • by backslashdot ( 95548 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @02:45AM (#59523370)

    Nothing. How about that? Does that work for you?

  • Yet not really unexpected. "We have no vision or direction, we'll just try to make something, anything, that someone will hopefully pay for." Maybe it's just me, but I'd start from writing a great story, then releasing that in the format that suits it best.
  • by J-1000 ( 869558 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @03:27AM (#59523434)

    The problem with Star Wars is that it is perpetually stuck in the past. Everything is forced to stem from the original trilogy's corpse like some weird fungus. Even the Mandalorian, perhaps the most independent of the Star Wars stories outside of books, can't help but make multiple references to the original trilogy every episode, and it's rare that you come across a character whose race wasn't represented in the cantina back in episode IV. Some call it fan service, but to me every reference to the original trilogy is the writers (or producers?) being too scared to try to live up to it.

    It's not a real universe if you can't even tell one story that's not directly related to the first.

  • by aepervius ( 535155 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @04:38AM (#59523570)
    In fact the new trilogy felt... bland. Strangely constructed photographically or script wise, I can't point the finger on it, If I was forced to make a statement I would say it looks like SW, go through the motion and gesture, but 1) does not have the soul of SW 2) make script/story faux pas which ruins a bit the immersion. I have no intent to watch rise of skywalker except maybe as rental. I am not alone in people my age reacting that way, a few colleague I spoke were enthusiast, but quite a few too were as disappointed as I am.
    • I don't know anyone who's looking forward to the last star wars (in my age range). There's no mysticism and debate over what they might do. Because they're going to do literally "whatever they want" so there's no way to even guess. They don't even play by their own rules of their universe.

      - I can accept Superman flying.
      - I cannot accept Superman saving a woman falling to the ground from a skyscraper and stopping her descent within an inch of the pavement, decelerating her so fast she's slice

  • by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @04:39AM (#59523574)
    The funny thing about Star Wars movies is the more that were made, the the less impressive it became. The initial trilogy hinted at some vast universe with a deep lore with many things hinted at but best left unsaid. So what did the follow-up trilogies and spin-offs do? Say the things best left unsaid and beat them to death in the process. You can see the producer's huddled in meetings telling scriptwriters "go make that Kessel run line become a thing in our movie!". What once looked deep and foreboding just looks paper thin and lame.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      It was "You fought in the Clone Wars!!?!?", a scientifically illiterate technobabble throwaway line. Might as well have been "Quantum Wars" or "Positronic Wars". But to then make that the core of a whole trilogy? Yuck.

      I disagree with saying this doesn't feel Star Warsy. The Rey/Kylo fight in the first was at its very best. If you got hung up on "Mary Sue", I feel pity for you.

      These are stories of mythological heroes, by design. Harry Potter, Paul Atriedes, these characters have destinies that involve

      • These are stories of mythological heroes, by design.

        Nope. Mythological heroes undergo growth.

      • by Chris Katko ( 2923353 ) on Monday December 16, 2019 @01:37PM (#59525268)

        You realize _women_ don't like Rey's character, right? Weird cross to die on.

        >The Rey/Kylo fight in the first was at its very best

        The one where she defeats a guy who was trained from birth, the first time holding a sword? GREAT FIGHT.

        You want a Disney film with a strong female? Pick up Mulan and stop trying to defend bad movies.

    • And then you've got the thing where they saw something in the first movies, and now that becomes the Standard Way of Doing All Things Forever. Obi-Wan wore a desert hermit robe in A New Hope because he was a desert hermit. Then when George is figuring out what the Jedi should wear in the prequels, he has them all wearing desert hermit robes. No, those were not Jedi robes. They were desert hermit robes. There's no reason for the Jedi to be wearing desert hermit robes in the giant techno city world at the hei

  • Additionally, she said, the plan is to move beyond trilogies, which can be restricting.

    Translation, we soft rebooted the first, got criticised, so abandoned direction and thrashed wildly in the second like a headless chicken. Not sure of this counts as a (part of a) trilogy, but the first wasn't either. It was a standalone story followed by a 2-parter where they un-defeated the empire.

    These are more like a sequence of otherwise unrelated tales in a war. Quit calling them a trilogy, which is a marketing plan, not a story concept in this case.

    I am eager to see this one, to see what comes nex

    • They'll probably do things more like the Marvel movies, with character features and occasional ensemble pieces. Creating a coherent and satisfying trilogy is presumably harder than one-offs that merely need not step on each other's toes.
  • Starwars? Really? 9 years olds will be absolutely giddy!

The price one pays for pursuing any profession, or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side. -- James Baldwin
