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China Television

Chinese Fans of 'Friends' Angry After Show Re-released With Censorship ( 84

An anonymous reader shares a report: Chinese fans of U.S. sitcom "Friends" have expressed dismay online after noticing censorship in recently released episodes of the beloved show, including of LGBT issues. Several major Chinese streaming sites, including Tencent, Baidu's IQiyi, Alibaba's Youku, and Bilibili, started showing a version of the first season of the show on Friday, its first re-release in China for several years. But fans soon noticed parts of the long-running show were different to what they had seen before and complained of censorship which included the removal of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-related content, as well as mistranslations. In one example, a conversation where a main character, Ross, explained his wife was a lesbian, was deleted. Another scene where another character, Joey, suggested going to a "strip joint" was translated as "go out to play" on the version shown on Tencent Video. As users started to notice the changes, they began discussing and "boycotting" the move. The discussion was a "hot search topic" on Weibo on Sunday. Reuters adds: But in a sign the discussion itself may have caught the attention of censors, searches on Weibo on Sunday for several variations on the hashtag or search term #Friendshasbeencensored produced either zero or limited recent results. The development follows a similar treatment of David Fincher's 1999 cult classic "Fight Club." Fans were shocked to find that a version of the movie that was made available on Tencent Video had a new ending where the authorities win. After much uproar, the original ending for the movie was restored.
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Chinese Fans of 'Friends' Angry After Show Re-released With Censorship

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  • Hollywood needs to stop bowing done / armed forces in movies need to say if you want to use us in your movie then we will not be pro china.

    • Why do you think Hollywood "needs" to do anything like that?
      Hollywood is in the business of making money, and China are using the reliable greed of capitalism to get what they want.
      • The GP stated it poorly (and ungrammatically). Perhaps I can interpret for him...

        Hollywood's adjusting movie plots and themes to satisfy Chinese government censors is a poor bet. They allow the Chinese government a lot of editorial control, both overt and implied. "Bet" because even after they have spent the money modifying the film to try to satisfy the censors, it is still not a guarantee of the film being shown in China. Events in the US (such as Daryl Moray's Hong Kong tweet) can cause China to de

        • Hollywood are yet to give a toss about any of that, because if they don't provide a product acceptable to China they don't get access to the market.

 pursuing the China market, they risk alienating their audience in the US by turning out product that just doesn't play well here.

          That is obviously a risk they're prepared to take, and it has paid off handsomely so far.
          Greedy capitalists don't care about anything except profits, and they don't care about the things that ordinary people like you and I care about because why would they? The people at the top of these corporations don't have to live by the same rules we do.

  • is this why top gun 2 is so delayed? Does it need lot's of edits to pass chinas ok?

    • Some of us are avoiding things that purposefully try to show us alternative facts. (That's one of the most bizarre things to come out of the last few years, alternative facts...) Movies that have to jump through hoops, (including making clearly false statements), to please a corrupt government don't need my money.
    • Does it need lot's of edits to pass chinas ok?

      China made it quite clear in the 1990's that if western corporations wanted to play on their home field the rules would be different, and the western corporations agreed, because they saw a huge new market of potential consumers, and labour to exploit.
      I'm not sure why anyone is surprised that this is the outcome.

  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Monday February 14, 2022 @05:36PM (#62267437)

    So no one told you life was gonna be this way
    Your job's fulfilling and no one there is gay,
    The central committee's fully got your back,
    Life's getting better and better, there's no turning back!

    We'll be there for you
    (Your local central committee)
    We'll be there for you
    (For the West you should feel pity)
    We'll be there for you
    ('Cause you're there for us too... OR ELSE)

    You get up early, already working hard at eight,
    Your Chinese breakfasts always are perfect and great
    Your Uyghur mother might be in a camp, but
    She shouldn't have been such a subversive little tramp

    We'll be there for you
    (Your local central committee)
    We'll be there for you
    (For the West you should feel pity)
    We'll be there for you
    ('Cause you're there for us too... OR ELSE)

  • Get a hard copy (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rgmoore ( 133276 ) <> on Monday February 14, 2022 @05:52PM (#62267491) Homepage

    This is one more reason you might want to get a good old-fashioned DVD or Blu-Ray of your favorite movie. As long as you're getting it via streaming, you have to contend with the possibility the stream will be changed in ways you don't like after the fact. This might be blatant censorship like what's happening in China, or just the original director deciding that Greedo shot first. Either way, having a hard copy prevents someone else from changing it for you with nothing you can do about it.

    • Ah, but wait til the government makes owning such illegal, and sends out fireman to collect your DVDs and Blu-rays and burns them!

      Oh, wait, wasn't that from Fahrenheit 451? About books?

      I guess China will have to invent something new, because Ray Bradbury could not predict the rise of movies at home, in 1953.

      Guess the next new thing, is transcoding your DVDs & Blr-rays, then copying them to Micro-SD cards, which you can hide outside your home when the government censors come by to verify you are i
      • Ah, but wait til the government makes owning such illegal, and sends out fireman to collect your DVDs and Blu-rays and burns them!

        Oh, wait, wasn't that from Fahrenheit 451?

        No worries, they'll burn Fahrenheit 451 too.

    • But then you notice your hard copy has Han Solo shooting second...
  • Americans are perfectly fine with the director's cut of "The One Where the Capitol Gets Stormed"!
  • by Miles_O'Toole ( 5152533 ) on Monday February 14, 2022 @06:12PM (#62267553)

    Wasn't it big corporations like Apple and Disney, greedy for access to the huge Chinese market, who swore to us that by making a few compromises to get their foot in the door, they would lead the way toward turning PRC into a free speech, human rights loving paradise?

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Disney censors for the West too. They added some CGI hair to cover up an actress' arse in Splash, for example. Some stuff is just not available, like Song of the South (although it's on if you really want it, it's shit anyway...)

      There has been region specific censorship since forever too. When Nintendo brought many games to the US they removed all the crosses so as not to upset Christians. Even things like the red cross on hospitals. When American games were released in Germany they removed all

      • All you say is true, but I think the Chinese have taken censorship to a new level.

      • The removal of the red cross on hospitals, health packs, etc. isn't due to Christian censorship. It's because the red cross emblem is an international "trademark" belonging to the International Committee of the Red Cross, based in Geneva. The international restrictions around the red cross emblem are part of the Geneva Convention, technically all countries party to the convention should enforce regulation of the use of the red cross emblem, but in practice enforcement is patchy.

        You'll notice the red cross i

  • "Why does Ross, the largest "Friend", not simply eat the other five?"

  • Was it like watching a Kung Fu film with bad dubbing? That would be strangely fitting. Or I feel for them. Or both.
  • As far as transgressive media properties, if you don't think your populace can handle "Friends" in the 21st century I think you might have to relent a bit on the social conditioning.

    In one example, a conversation where a main character, Ross, explained his wife was a lesbian, was deleted.

    Another scene where another character, Joey, suggested going to a "strip joint" was translated as "go out to play" on the version shown on Tencent Video. Reuters confirmed the Tencent version of the re-released season inclu

    • Milquetoast? Talk about lesbians is the tip of the decadent western spear! Everyone knows that there isn’t a single LGBT in China. Not a one! Same goes for Iran and North Korea. Why, a single uncensored Friends episode could unleash a pandemic of gayness. Think of the social distancing that would be needed to keep it from spreading. China might even need to develop a vaccine, but it would only be 60% effective. Think of the damage! All from one friends episode. Truly, unending vigilance is the price f
  • I can't spot the crypto/nft connection for this story.

  • I mean, I'm a little surprised that any discussion of Friends being censored has been censored, but I'm not too surprised about the discussion of Fight Club censorship being censored. After all, the first rule of Fight Club is that you don't talk about Fight Club [censorship].

    BTW, does this feel like a Monty Python sketch? The person responsible for sacking the person responsible for censuring the censorship of discussions of censorship has been sacked.

  • I know for a fact that China has an extremely long list of old and new series. The list is so long that if a person wants to see all titles they have to watch TV fulltime for the rest of their life. But here's my take about the censorship though; Its their country and their people are okay being censored. I really don't care until the people themselves stand up and demand their freedom. If the choose to be suppressed, there's nothing outsiders can do for them. Having said that, there's a good amount of audi
  • ... the removal of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-related ...

    Why do totalitarian/authoritarian governments need to pretend everyone is 'normal'? Sure, that is what normal and almost-normal people do anyway and every manager wants consistency and sameness. But so many bureacrats think they can ThoughtCrime the weirdness out of people. The attempts of North Korea and Iran prove it doesn't work.

    When many countries are working to admit not everyone is white, not everyone is heterosexual, not everyone is male/female, (dishonesty about sex and violence continues), cen

    • Why do totalitarian/authoritarian governments need to pretend everyone is 'normal'? Sure, that is what normal and almost-normal people do anyway and every manager wants consistency and sameness. But so many bureacrats think they can ThoughtCrime the weirdness out of people. The attempts of North Korea and Iran prove it doesn't work.

      Iran actually funds transgender operations.

      When many countries are working to admit not everyone is white

      It's funny that you mention it, yet most dictatorships you mention are not white.

      • Iran actually funds transgender operations.

        "... have allowed for transsexuals to reassign their sex so that they can enter heterosexual relationships."
        — Wikipedia

        In Iran, we do not have homosexuals like in your country.
        — Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Former Iranian President, Columbia University, 2007-09-24

    • Why do totalitarian/authoritarian governments need to pretend everyone is 'normal'?

      Because to them anything not "normal" is an inconvenience, and they believe they can stamp out all such inconveniences. Probably they think that we're talking about learned behaviors (which might be true somehow) and that they can therefore change them (which doesn't really follow.) But more likely as long as people pretend they will be satisfied with making their lives shit as punishment for being an inconvenience.

  • Oh wait, that was the way the show was originally, until David Schwimmer, to his lasting credit, insisted that change, and Aisha Tyler was added to the show. A good deed that was rewarded as the show had them have a romance. :)

    The borderline homophobia transphobia of the earliest seasons didn't come courtesy of China, that was the show going for cheap laughs, like when they thought it would be funnier to turn the Italian-American character, Joey, into a cheap stereotype, and start depicting him as cognitive

    • I loved Episodes. What a fantastic show. And yeah, Matt LeBlanc did an amazing job in it.

      Before watching it... "oh, a washed up actor that can only play one character is basically going to reprise that character for everyone to play off."

      After watching it... "hey, he's actually a pretty good actor."

  • The real news is obviously the altered content of the television series. Forum posts, without a statement of how many, is hardly news worthy.

  • by bbos ( 1048782 )
    That is so funny. I wonder how long the Chinese communist party will continue to exist. Cracks surely must be forming at the seams.
    • Seriously. I'm happy to see the population there is waking up to the censorship they're under. I think many still believe their leaders have their best interests at heart in keeping information from them. When they setup ways to bypass censorship so they can view their favorite Friends episodes, they may be able to use those same ways to view uncensored news feeds. Only then will the wall crumble and their leader's crimes be exposed.

Some people only open up to tell you that they're closed.
